Жаннэта Металлиди — признанный педагог: ее талантом создана фундаментальная композиторская и теоретическая школа для начального этапа обучения музыке. В судьбе Жаннэты Лазаревны сочинение музыки и воспитание юных музыкантов неразрывно переплетены. Ее произведения для детей отличает впечатляющее жанровое многообразие: сольные и ансамблевые пьесы для разных инструментов, камерная вокальная и оркестровая музыка, сочинения для духового и симфонического оркестра, кантаты для хора, музыкальные спектакли...
Тихое утро
Ура! Идём в зоопарк
Поющий бегемот
Прокати, лошадка, нас
Павлиний хвост
День рождения
Мне купили велосипед
Солнышко садится
Мне очень нравится жираф
Танец фламинго
Тихо падает снег
Ёлочные фонарики
Гордый лебедь
Компьютерная игра
Волшебный лес
Наперегонки со щенком. Скерцо
Когда я буду принцессой
Весёлые каникулы
Zhanetta Lazarevna Metallidi was born on June 1 1934 in Leningrad. In 1960 she graduated from the Petersburg Conservatoire, where she studied composition at G. I. Ustvolskaya and O. A. Yevlakhov (disciples of D. D. Shostakovich).
Zhanetta Metallidi's is an acknowledged teacher, having created the fundamental trend of theory and composition for the beginners. The two hypostases of her nature, pedagogical and creative ones are interlaced in one circulatory system, making for the young musicians education. She embraces actually all the possible genres (solo and ensemble pieces for different instruments, chamber vocal and orchestral music, pieces for wind and symphony orchestra, cantatas for choir, musical performances)… Little pianists enjoy learning her piano miniatures and ensembles from the collections “Cottage with the Bell”, “Musical Surprise”, growing older they perform her cycles “Golden Ring of Russia”, “Hermitage Sketches”, ensembles in four hands from the collection “I Walk Looking Everywhere”, “Favourite Tails”, “From the North to the South”. Junior violinists are enthralled by the pieces from the collection “Play Sweetly, oh, the Fiddle”, growing up they master their skill in the “Concertino for Violin and Chamber Orchestra”. Children of the preschool period sing Metallidi's songs, while her operas-tales and musicals are staged in schools and colleges.
Meanwhile Zhanneta Metallidi's ideas are sometimes embodied in serious complicated opuses, intended for grown-ups (the symphony, concertos for violin, trumpet, piano, hautboy and flute). Her virtuoso Concertino for flute is popular not only among the soloists, but also among such conductors as A. Janssons, A. Dmitriev, R. Martynov.
Silent Morning
Hurrah! We Go to the Zoo
Singing Hippo
Ride Me, My Horse
Peacock Tail
The Bicycle is Bought to Me
The Sun is Setting
I Enjoy the Giraffe So Much
Flamingo's Dancing
Snow is Falling Quietly
Christmas Tree Lights
Proud Swan
Computor Games
Magic Forest
Racing the Puppy. Scherzo
When I am a Princess
Jolly Holidays
Zhanneta Metallidi — priznannyj pedagog: ee talantom sozdana fundamentalnaja kompozitorskaja i teoreticheskaja shkola dlja nachalnogo etapa obuchenija muzyke. V sudbe Zhannety Lazarevny sochinenie muzyki i vospitanie junykh muzykantov nerazryvno perepleteny. Ee proizvedenija dlja detej otlichaet vpechatljajuschee zhanrovoe mnogoobrazie: solnye i ansamblevye pesy dlja raznykh instrumentov, kamernaja vokalnaja i orkestrovaja muzyka, sochinenija dlja dukhovogo i simfonicheskogo orkestra, kantaty dlja khora, muzykalnye spektakli...
Tikhoe utro
Ura! Idjom v zoopark
Pojuschij begemot
Prokati, loshadka, nas
Pavlinij khvost
Den rozhdenija
Mne kupili velosiped
Solnyshko saditsja
Mne ochen nravitsja zhiraf
Tanets flamingo
Tikho padaet sneg
Jolochnye fonariki
Gordyj lebed
Kompjuternaja igra
Volshebnyj les
Naperegonki so schenkom. Skertso
Kogda ja budu printsessoj
Vesjolye kanikuly