Геннадий Григорьевич Белов родился в 1939 году в Ленинграде. Там же окончил консерваторию по классу композиции профессора В. Н. Салманова (1961) и аспирантуру при ней под руководством Д. Д. Шостаковича (1964). С 1966 года преподает в Ленинградской - Санкт-Петербургской консерватории музыкально-теоретические дисциплины. С 2009 года кандидат искусствоведения, профессор Г. Белов исполняет обязанности заведующего кафедрой оркестровки и общего курса композиции.
Геннадий Белов - член Союза композиторов России, заслуженный деятель искусств России. Он автор трех опер, более 150 циклических произведений: симфоний, концертов для солирующих инструментов с оркестром, ораторий, кантат, камерно-инструментальных и вокальных форм, хоровых опусов, детской музыки, а также одночастных сочинений для оркестра и камерных ансамблей. Его сочинения неоднократно были отмечены высокими наградами на международных конкурсах и фестивалях.
1. В краю белой диатоники
2. В сопровождении энгармонических репетиций
3. Путешествие от 7 бемолей к 7 диезам
Gennady Grigoryevich Belov (*1939) was born in Leningrad. Having graduated from the St. Petersburg Conservatoire (V. Salmanov's class) in 1961, he completed post-graduate studying under the guidance of D. Shostakovich in 1964.
Belov's pedagogical career began in 1966. Since that time he has been lecturing musical theoretical subjects in the Petersburg Conservatoire. The 2009 was marked by the composer's new post, when he was appointed the vice-head of the orchestra and composition department. Gennady Belov is the doctor of arts, member of the Russian Composers' Union, honoured artist of Russia.
Among the composer's opuses there are 150 cyclic works: symphonies, concertos for solo instruments with orchestra, so as oratorios, cantatas, chamber-instrumental and vocal constructions, choral opuses, music for children, one-movement inventions for orchestra and chamber ensembles. His compositions were not once awarded the highest prizes at the international festivals and contests.
1. The Land of White Diatonic
2. Enharmonic Repetitions Accompany
3. Journey from 7 Flats to 7 Sharps
Gennady Grigoryevich Belov (*1939) was born in Leningrad. Having graduated from the St. Petersburg Conservatoire (V. Salmanov's class) in 1961, he completed post-graduate studying under the guidance of D. Shostakovich in 1964.
Belov's pedagogical career began in 1966. Since that time he has been lecturing musical theoretical subjects in the Petersburg Conservatoire. The 2009 was marked by the composer's new post, when he was appointed the vice-head of the orchestra and composition department. Gennady Belov is the doctor of arts, member of the Russian Composers' Union, honoured artist of Russia.
Among the composer's opuses there are 150 cyclic works: symphonies, concertos for solo instruments with orchestra, so as oratorios, cantatas, chamber-instrumental and vocal constructions, choral opuses, music for children, one-movement inventions for orchestra and chamber ensembles. His compositions were not once awarded the highest prizes at the international festivals and contests.
1. The Land of White Diatonic
2. Enharmonic Repetitions Accompany
3. Journey from 7 Flats to 7 Sharps
Gennadij Grigorevich Belov rodilsja v 1939 godu v Leningrade. Tam zhe okonchil konservatoriju po klassu kompozitsii professora V. N. Salmanova (1961) i aspiranturu pri nej pod rukovodstvom D. D. Shostakovicha (1964). S 1966 goda prepodaet v Leningradskoj - Sankt-Peterburgskoj konservatorii muzykalno-teoreticheskie distsipliny. S 2009 goda kandidat iskusstvovedenija, professor G. Belov ispolnjaet objazannosti zavedujuschego kafedroj orkestrovki i obschego kursa kompozitsii.
Gennadij Belov - chlen Sojuza kompozitorov Rossii, zasluzhennyj dejatel iskusstv Rossii. On avtor trekh oper, bolee 150 tsiklicheskikh proizvedenij: simfonij, kontsertov dlja solirujuschikh instrumentov s orkestrom, oratorij, kantat, kamerno-instrumentalnykh i vokalnykh form, khorovykh opusov, detskoj muzyki, a takzhe odnochastnykh sochinenij dlja orkestra i kamernykh ansamblej. Ego sochinenija neodnokratno byli otmecheny vysokimi nagradami na mezhdunarodnykh konkursakh i festivaljakh.
1. V kraju beloj diatoniki
2. V soprovozhdenii engarmonicheskikh repetitsij
3. Puteshestvie ot 7 bemolej k 7 diezam