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Детские сцены. Легкие пьесы для фортепиано. Соч. 15

Детские сцены. Легкие пьесы для фортепиано. Соч. 15
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Среди фортепианных циклов Роберта Шумана особое место занимают "Детские сцены" (ор. 15, 1838). Непритязательный внешне замысел (сюита характерных пьес, навеянных темой детства) содержит, как это всегда бывает у Шумана, второй план. Вот как он сам объяснял идею "Детских сцен" Кларе Вик: "Это был словно отзвук на слова, которые ты мне как-то написала: Порою я могу показаться тебе ребенком, - ... я был поистине окрылен и написал 30 маленьких забавных вещей, из которых отобрал около дюжины и назвал их Детскими сценами. Ты обрадуешься им, но, конечно, должна будешь забыть о себе как о виртуозной пианистке". "Детские сцены" оказываются еще одним музыкальным признанием в любви Кларе и навеяны ее образом, воспоминанием о ее детстве и о тех часах, которые проводил молодой ученик Фридриха Вика, играя с его детьми Кларой и Альвином в 1830 г. Воспоминания эти имели особенную ценность и для Клары, писавшей Шуману в ответ после получения "Детских сцен": "Как много заключено в твоих звуках, как понимаю я их! Весь твой мир открывается в этих пьесах".
The "Children's Scenes" (op. 15, 1938) happened to take special place among Robert Schumann's piano cycles. This is an unpretentious suite of programmatic pieces, inspired by green years. However, it is more to something than meets the eyes, as it's used in Schumann's creativity. The composer himself explained the idea of the "Children's Scenes" to his wife Klara Wieck: "This is the recall to the words you once wrote to me: Sometimes I may seem a child to you, - ... I was really charmed and as a result there appeared 30 little amusing pieces. I selected 12 of them and united under the title Children's Scenes. You'll enjoy them, but forget about your virtuoso piano playing". Thus the "Children's Scenes" occurred to be one more manifestation of Robert Schumann's love for Klara. These miniatures were casted by her personality, so as the years of youth, hours spent by the composer in 1830 with master Friedrich Wieck and his children Klara and Alwin. These reminiscences were especially precious to Klara, who responded to Schumann after the "Children's Scenes" have been received by her: "What a plenty of things is concealed in your sounds, as I perceive them! The whole world of your own is represented in these pieces". Later Schumann explained the idea of the "Children's Scenes" to his publisher: "They are addressed to the past time, being intended for the grown-ups".
The "Children's Scenes" (op. 15, 1938) happened to take special place among Robert Schumann's piano cycles. This is an unpretentious suite of programmatic pieces, inspired by green years. However, it is more to something than meets the eyes, as it's used in Schumann's creativity. The composer himself explained the idea of the "Children's Scenes" to his wife Klara Wieck: "This is the recall to the words you once wrote to me: Sometimes I may seem a child to you, - ... I was really charmed and as a result there appeared 30 little amusing pieces. I selected 12 of them and united under the title Children's Scenes. You'll enjoy them, but forget about your virtuoso piano playing". Thus the "Children's Scenes" occurred to be one more manifestation of Robert Schumann's love for Klara. These miniatures were casted by her personality, so as the years of youth, hours spent by the composer in 1830 with master Friedrich Wieck and his children Klara and Alwin. These reminiscences were especially precious to Klara, who responded to Schumann after the "Children's Scenes" have been received by her: "What a plenty of things is concealed in your sounds, as I perceive them! The whole world of your own is represented in these pieces". Later Schumann explained the idea of the "Children's Scenes" to his publisher: "They are addressed to the past time, being intended for the grown-ups".
Sredi fortepiannykh tsiklov Roberta Shumana osoboe mesto zanimajut "Detskie stseny" (or. 15, 1838). Nepritjazatelnyj vneshne zamysel (sjuita kharakternykh pes, navejannykh temoj detstva) soderzhit, kak eto vsegda byvaet u Shumana, vtoroj plan. Vot kak on sam objasnjal ideju "Detskikh stsen" Klare Vik: "Eto byl slovno otzvuk na slova, kotorye ty mne kak-to napisala: Poroju ja mogu pokazatsja tebe rebenkom, - ... ja byl poistine okrylen i napisal 30 malenkikh zabavnykh veschej, iz kotorykh otobral okolo djuzhiny i nazval ikh Detskimi stsenami. Ty obradueshsja im, no, konechno, dolzhna budesh zabyt o sebe kak o virtuoznoj pianistke". "Detskie stseny" okazyvajutsja esche odnim muzykalnym priznaniem v ljubvi Klare i navejany ee obrazom, vospominaniem o ee detstve i o tekh chasakh, kotorye provodil molodoj uchenik Fridrikha Vika, igraja s ego detmi Klaroj i Alvinom v 1830 g. Vospominanija eti imeli osobennuju tsennost i dlja Klary, pisavshej Shumanu v otvet posle poluchenija "Detskikh stsen": "Kak mnogo zakljucheno v tvoikh zvukakh, kak ponimaju ja ikh! Ves tvoj mir otkryvaetsja v etikh pesakh".
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