Гедике (Гёдике) Александр Фёдорович - педагог, композитор, основатель советской органной школы.Сборник состоит из 40 мелодических этюдов, многие из которых представляют собой программные и танцевальные миниатюры. Здесь представлены этюды на различные виды техники, в том числе большое внимание уделено развитию музыкальности и мелодической интонации у детей. Являются неотъемлемой частью педагогического репертуара для начинающих пианистов. Этюды расположены в порядке постепенной трудности. Издание предназначено для учащихся детских музыкальных школ, а также будет полезно всем любителям фортепианной музыки.
Goedicke Alexander Feodorovich (1877-1957) was a teacher, composer, founder of the Soviet organ school.
The collection consists of 40 melodic studies, many of which represent the program and dance miniatures. Here are the studies for various types of technique; among other things, much attention is paid to the development of musicality and melodic intonation in children. They are an essential part of the pedagogical repertoire for beginning pianists. The studies are placed in order of gradual difficulty.
The edition is intended for pupils of children's music schools, and it will also be useful to all lovers of piano works.
Goedicke Alexander Feodorovich (1877-1957) was a teacher, composer, founder of the Soviet organ school.
The collection consists of 40 melodic studies, many of which represent the program and dance miniatures. Here are the studies for various types of technique; among other things, much attention is paid to the development of musicality and melodic intonation in children. They are an essential part of the pedagogical repertoire for beginning pianists. The studies are placed in order of gradual difficulty.
The edition is intended for pupils of children's music schools, and it will also be useful to all lovers of piano works.
Gedike (Gjodike) Aleksandr Fjodorovich - pedagog, kompozitor, osnovatel sovetskoj organnoj shkoly.Sbornik sostoit iz 40 melodicheskikh etjudov, mnogie iz kotorykh predstavljajut soboj programmnye i tantsevalnye miniatjury. Zdes predstavleny etjudy na razlichnye vidy tekhniki, v tom chisle bolshoe vnimanie udeleno razvitiju muzykalnosti i melodicheskoj intonatsii u detej. Javljajutsja neotemlemoj chastju pedagogicheskogo repertuara dlja nachinajuschikh pianistov. Etjudy raspolozheny v porjadke postepennoj trudnosti. Izdanie prednaznacheno dlja uchaschikhsja detskikh muzykalnykh shkol, a takzhe budet polezno vsem ljubiteljam fortepiannoj muzyki.