(in Russian)
Description in English:
How is the bilingual dictionary possible?
By consistently applying major principles of cognitive semantics and grammar to the task of lexicography, this work developes a novel model of the bilingual dictionary called a dictionary for productive comprehension. Based on cenceptual analysis of entry words, multi-word units, and constructions, it makes the foreign word recognizable by the dictionary user by maintaining its conceptual integrity across all uses, it shows the uses themselves - the word's grammar - as clearly motivated and intelligible, and suggests precise cognitive orientation for the user's own production of an equivalent text. At the same time, in making conventional linguistic knowledge of native speakers accessiblr to the user, this dictionary serves the needs of a learner as well as a translator. The book contains many illuminative examples from Russian, English, and Swedish.
Eugene Rivelis is a slavist affiliated with the Department of Slavic Languages at Stockholm University. He is also author of two Swedish-Russian dictionaries and a professional translator.
(in Russian)
Description in English:
How is the bilingual dictionary possible?
By consistently applying major principles of cognitive semantics and grammar to the task of lexicography, this work developes a novel model of the bilingual dictionary called a dictionary for productive comprehension. Based on cenceptual analysis of entry words, multi-word units, and constructions, it makes the foreign word recognizable by the dictionary user by maintaining its conceptual integrity across all uses, it shows the uses themselves - the word's grammar - as clearly motivated and intelligible, and suggests precise cognitive orientation for the user's own production of an equivalent text. At the same time, in making conventional linguistic knowledge of native speakers accessiblr to the user, this dictionary serves the needs of a learner as well as a translator. The book contains many illuminative examples from Russian, English, and Swedish.
Eugene Rivelis is a slavist affiliated with the Department of Slavic Languages at Stockholm University. He is also author of two Swedish-Russian dictionaries and a professional translator.
В этой книге принципы когнитивной семантики и грамматики впервые последовательно прилагаются к задачам лексикографии. Новая модель словаря - словарь для продуктивного понимания - строится на основе анализа концептов языковых единиц, от слов до конструкций. Такой словарь обеспечивает пользователю узнаваемость чужого слова, сохраняя его единство во всех употреблениях, делает сами эти употребления - грамматику слова - мотивированными и внятными и дает пользователю точные когнитивные ориентиры при переводе. Вместе с тем, раскрывая конвенционное знание носителей входного языка, он выполняет учебную функцию. Изложение иллюстрировано множеством примеров из русского, английского и шведского языков.
Автор книги Евгений Ривелис - сотрудник Кафедры славянских языков Стокгольмского университета, лексикограф и переводчик.
V etoj knige printsipy kognitivnoj semantiki i grammatiki vpervye posledovatelno prilagajutsja k zadacham leksikografii. Novaja model slovarja - slovar dlja produktivnogo ponimanija - stroitsja na osnove analiza kontseptov jazykovykh edinits, ot slov do konstruktsij. Takoj slovar obespechivaet polzovatelju uznavaemost chuzhogo slova, sokhranjaja ego edinstvo vo vsekh upotreblenijakh, delaet sami eti upotreblenija - grammatiku slova - motivirovannymi i vnjatnymi i daet polzovatelju tochnye kognitivnye orientiry pri perevode. Vmeste s tem, raskryvaja konventsionnoe znanie nositelej vkhodnogo jazyka, on vypolnjaet uchebnuju funktsiju. Izlozhenie illjustrirovano mnozhestvom primerov iz russkogo, anglijskogo i shvedskogo jazykov.
Avtor knigi Evgenij Rivelis - sotrudnik Kafedry slavjanskikh jazykov Stokgolmskogo universiteta, leksikograf i perevodchik.