The present edition includes the articles covering the history
of exploration of Central Asia by Russian researchers and the stages
of study of archaeological, manuscript and ethnographic collections
Quando Pietro il Grande fondo nel 1703 San Pietroburgo - alia periferia nord-occidentale dello Stato Russo, lontano dagli antichissimi centri politici ed economici - questo divenne il fattore decisivo...
The outstanding architects, sculptors and artists who created this remarkable palace ensemble have managec to impart a peculiar harmony to its interiors. The spirit of epochs that have gone still presents...
Les eminents architectes, sculpteurs et peintres qui ont сree cet ensemble architectural unique ont realise dans ses interieurs leur propre conception de l'harmonie. L'esprit d'epoques aujourd'hui revolues...
Early Russia's silver is highly original and artistic. Russian silversmiths evolved their own characteristic forms and decoration techniques that were not identical with ether Western or Oriental styles....