A new updated English version
Kattava teos metsäteknologiasta ja siihen liittyvän tutkimuksen perusteista ja menetelmistä. Pääpaino on pohjoismaissa käytetyssä puutavaralajimenetelmässä unohtamatta kuitenkaan muualla maailmassa käytettyjä puunkorjuumenetelmiä. Havainnolliset piirrokset ja valokuvat. Alkuperäinen suomenkielinen teos Metsäteknologian perusteet.
Introduction to Forest Operations and Technology is a comprehensive presentation of modern forest technology as well as the environment and operations within which these technologies are used. Though the book has been written from a Nordic point of view, its scope is rather global in many aspects regarding forest operations in circumstances of any kind. A short introduction to all major timber harvesting systems in the world is also included. Introduction to Forest Operations and Technology can be used as a textbook in any college or university providing education in forest sciences. Due to its rather pragmatic approach, it can also be used as an introductory book on forest technology for practical foresters or anyone else interested in forest operations. The book has orginally been published in Finland in 2003 and was translated to Russian in 2005.The earlier editions (both Finnish and Russian) are still available at Metsäkustannus. Taking into account all editions and lanquage versions more than 4,000 books have already been sold.
A new updated English version will be published in October 2010.The translation from Finnish to English has been carried out by Meeri Pearson, an American born forest scientist who has lived in Finland for over ten years. Following translation, the English manuscript has been proofread by Prof. Dennis Dykstra from the USDA Forest Service, Prof. Reino Pulkki from Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada and Prof. Tomas Nordfjell from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The book contains more more than 140 illustrations as drawn pictures of machines and methods, photos, figures and tables.