Kirjan laajuus vastaa 80 tuntia opiskelua luokassa tai opettajan kanssa ja 40 tuntia itsenäistä opiskelua.
Russian for Businessmen: Intensive course for English speakers (intermediate level) ABC of Russian Business.
This intensive course serves the interests of businessmen who are interested in making business with Russia. The material of the book suits both very beginners of Russian and those who want to deepen their knowledge of Russian. The course can be used both with a teacher and without his support. It includes detailed grammar comments. The course is structured as follows:
- The main text translated into English.
- Russian business etiquette (thanking, business Invitation, apologizing, Greetings. etc.)
- Lexical and grammatical material of the main text with a parallel English translation
- Tests for self-control
- Additional reading material
- Examples of some important business letters
- Communicative situations of business communication
Пособие предназначено для бизнесменов, приступающих к изучению русского языка или продолжающих изучать его. Пособие рассчитано на 80 часов аудиторной работы и 40 часов самостоятельной работы. Пособие содержит более 1800 лексических единиц и направлено на активное овладение учащимися навыками устной речи в рамках делового и общеязыкового общения.
Posobie prednaznacheno dlja biznesmenov, pristupajuschikh k izucheniju russkogo jazyka ili prodolzhajuschikh izuchat ego. Posobie rasschitano na 80 chasov auditornoj raboty i 40 chasov samostojatelnoj raboty. Posobie soderzhit bolee 1800 leksicheskikh edinits i napravleno na aktivnoe ovladenie uchaschimisja navykami ustnoj rechi v ramkakh delovogo i obschejazykovogo obschenija.