Huom! Kirjan mukana tulevan DVD: n maakoodi on vapaa, joten sitävoi toistaa tavallisella eurooppalaisella DVD-soittimella (PAL system). Se toimii myös tietokoneella.
Golden names of Russia: Anton Chekhov.
This is a unique teaching book in the series "The Golden Names of Russia". It acquaints foreign students with life and creative activity of the Great Russian writer and playwright Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.
The book consists of two parts: an educational film and a short reader about the life of Chekhov. Vocabulary used in the film is within reach of students of any language level: beginners, intermediate or advanced. The book is provided with various training tests including vocabulary, conversational and comprehension tasks.
A 16-minute DVD gives a good idea of Chekhov's unusual biography and cultural life of Russia in the 19th century. The short reader provides many exercises to master the learned material. The book contains different grammar tasks for the development of reading and speaking skills.
The second part includes more detailed and difficult texts about Chekhov.
Attention! The supplementary DVD is free of region categorization. It can be watched with any standard European player (PAL system).
В комплексное учебное пособие входит книга для чтения и 16-минутный учебный фильм о жизни и творчестве классика русской литературы А.П.Чехова. Вы не только познакомитесь с интересными фактами биографии великого писателя, но сможете увидеть на экране его бессмертные произведения.
Пособие адресовано всем, кто изучает русский язык как иностранный и интересуется историей и культурой России.
V kompleksnoe uchebnoe posobie vkhodit kniga dlja chtenija i 16-minutnyj uchebnyj film o zhizni i tvorchestve klassika russkoj literatury A.P.Chekhova. Vy ne tolko poznakomites s interesnymi faktami biografii velikogo pisatelja, no smozhete uvidet na ekrane ego bessmertnye proizvedenija.
Posobie adresovano vsem, kto izuchaet russkij jazyk kak inostrannyj i interesuetsja istoriej i kulturoj Rossii.