The textbook is designed for the foreign students studying Russian at the technical institutes, postgraduates and trainees, and for all those interested in science, technology, life and work of the outstanding scholars-physicists.
The textbook acquaints the foreign students with the life and work of Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Igor Kurchatov, Lev Landau, Zhores Alfyorov based on the articles from the popular-science magazines, newspapers and books.
The textbook includes texts of different genres, various degrees of difficulty and adaptation. Besides the obligatory texts, the stories for the additional reading are provided. Information and photos of the Russian physicists the Nobel Prize winners are given in a supplement.
The materials of the textbook are aimed at helping the teachers to develop the students' oral speech skills and to expand their horizon.
The textbook is recommended to the foreign students of the Second Certification level of learning Russian as a foreign language.
Данное пособие предназначено для занятий по русскому языку с иностранными студентами в группах технического профиля обучения на I и II курсах, а также аспирантов, стажеров. В пособии представлены тексты разных жанров, разной степени трудности и адаптации. Материал пособия ориентирован на учащихся с различным уровнем владения русским языком.
Dannoe posobie prednaznacheno dlja zanjatij po russkomu jazyku s inostrannymi studentami v gruppakh tekhnicheskogo profilja obuchenija na I i II kursakh, a takzhe aspirantov, stazherov. V posobii predstavleny teksty raznykh zhanrov, raznoj stepeni trudnosti i adaptatsii. Material posobija orientirovan na uchaschikhsja s razlichnym urovnem vladenija russkim jazykom.