Tilaa lehden painettu versio erikseen.
This is a weekly newspaper of Russian writers. Main topics of the edition are politics, social problems of different nations of Russia, life of writers. It publishes interviews with the most prominent politicians, writers and intellectuals.
Subscription order to the printed version of the magazine should be placed separately.
This is a weekly newspaper of Russian writers. Main topics of the edition are politics, social problems of different nations of Russia, life of writers. It publishes interviews with the most prominent politicians, writers and intellectuals.
Подписка на печатную версию журнала оформляется отдельно.
Еженедельная газета российских писателей. Освещает жизнь и общественно-социальные проблемы России, ее многочисленных народов. Газета знакомит читателей с творчеством писателей России и состоянием современной литературы.
Podpiska na pechatnuju versiju zhurnala oformljaetsja otdelno.
Ezhenedelnaja gazeta rossijskikh pisatelej. Osveschaet zhizn i obschestvenno-sotsialnye problemy Rossii, ee mnogochislennykh narodov. Gazeta znakomit chitatelej s tvorchestvom pisatelej Rossii i sostojaniem sovremennoj literatury.