Oleg Khromushin was born in 1927. He is the author of operas, operettes, musicles, symphony scores.
Khromushin is glorious for his vocal-orchestral compositions, especially connected with the children's choir. Remember his numerous piexes for chamber cast, so as the series of his educational manuals "I want to Study Jazz".
That happened to be the point, where the composer's passions for chamber and jazzmusic crossed. This collision gave birth to the Suite "5+3". It was composed in 1984 for the Petersburg Brass quintet, meanwhile consisting of three movements. Hence its title. The composer resorts to jazz musical devices and rhythms, leaving the classical musical form and polyphonic devices.
Oleg Khromushin was born in 1927. He is the author of operas, operettes, musicles, symphony scores.
Khromushin is glorious for his vocal-orchestral compositions, especially connected with the children's choir. Remember his numerous piexes for chamber cast, so as the series of his educational manuals "I want to Study Jazz".
That happened to be the point, where the composer's passions for chamber and jazzmusic crossed. This collision gave birth to the Suite "5+3". It was composed in 1984 for the Petersburg Brass quintet, meanwhile consisting of three movements. Hence its title. The composer resorts to jazz musical devices and rhythms, leaving the classical musical form and polyphonic devices.
Олег Николаевич Хромушин (1927) - автор опер, оперетт, мюзиклов, симфонических партитур. Он широко известен как автор вокально-оркестровых произведений и сочинений для детского хора. Его перу принадлежит множество пьес для камерных составов, а также серия учебных пособий по джазу.
На перекрестье интереса композитора к камерной и джазовой музыке родилась сюита "5+3". Она написана композитором в 1984 году для петербургского брасс-квинтета и вскоре после написания исполнена. В сюите заняты пятеро музыкантов, и состоит она из трех частей - отсюда ее название. В музыке использованы джазовые приемы и ритмы, в то же время музыкальная форма и полифонические приемы письма находятся в русле классической традиции.
Oleg Nikolaevich Khromushin (1927) - avtor oper, operett, mjuziklov, simfonicheskikh partitur. On shiroko izvesten kak avtor vokalno-orkestrovykh proizvedenij i sochinenij dlja detskogo khora. Ego peru prinadlezhit mnozhestvo pes dlja kamernykh sostavov, a takzhe serija uchebnykh posobij po dzhazu.
Na perekreste interesa kompozitora k kamernoj i dzhazovoj muzyke rodilas sjuita "5+3". Ona napisana kompozitorom v 1984 godu dlja peterburgskogo brass-kvinteta i vskore posle napisanija ispolnena. V sjuite zanjaty pjatero muzykantov, i sostoit ona iz trekh chastej - otsjuda ee nazvanie. V muzyke ispolzovany dzhazovye priemy i ritmy, v to zhe vremja muzykalnaja forma i polifonicheskie priemy pisma nakhodjatsja v rusle klassicheskoj traditsii.