Zhannetta Metallidi is renown composer and teacher: she has developed comprehensive method of teaching music theory and composition for the initial period of music education. Composition and teaching are entwined in Zhannetta Metallidi's life.
Among her works one can find a variety of genres; she writes for chamber ensembles and symphonic orchestra, for choir and for young soloists, she composes cantatas and stage works, and all the abundance of her creativity is related to children.
Pieces for beginners are collected in the first part of the album The House with the Bell. Ensembles in 4 hands one can find in the second part, they are intended for playing with the teacher. Pieces are based on simple clear cut themes, sometimes garnished with 'spicy' chords. Simple verses are easily improvised with such pieces that helps a child to comprehend the mood and feeling of the piece. Yet another advantage of these pieces is their instructiveness, basiс skills of piano technique can be mastered while playing them.
Two cats
Barbie doll
Winter out there
Air balloon
Toy railroad
Zhannetta Metallidi is renown composer and teacher: she has developed comprehensive method of teaching music theory and composition for the initial period of music education. Composition and teaching are entwined in Zhannetta Metallidi's life.
Among her works one can find a variety of genres; she writes for chamber ensembles and symphonic orchestra, for choir and for young soloists, she composes cantatas and stage works, and all the abundance of her creativity is related to children.
Pieces for beginners are collected in the first part of the album The House with the Bell. Ensembles in 4 hands one can find in the second part, they are intended for playing with the teacher. Pieces are based on simple clear cut themes, sometimes garnished with 'spicy' chords. Simple verses are easily improvised with such pieces that helps a child to comprehend the mood and feeling of the piece. Yet another advantage of these pieces is their instructiveness, basiс skills of piano technique can be mastered while playing them.
Two cats
Barbie doll
Winter out there
Air balloon
Toy railroad
Air balloon
Toy railroad
Жаннэта Лазаревна - замечательный детский педагог и композитор, ее талантом создана фундаментальная композиторская и теоретическая школа для начального этапа обучения музыке. Сочинения для детей Жаннэты Металлиди прочно вошли в репертуар юных музыкантов, ее произведения (от маленьких пьесок до развернутых оркестровых сочинений) давно стали неотъемлемой частью почти каждого детского фестиваля, концерта, конкурса.
В "Доме с колокольчиком" собраны пьесы для начинающих пианистов. Во второй части сборника представлены ансамбли в четыре руки (исполняются вместе с педагогом). В основе большинства пьес - рельефный, простой и запоминающийся тематизм, нередко "приправленный" пряными гармониями. К мелодиям пьесок легко придумываются простые стишки, что очень помогает ребенку в процессе разучивания произведения. Кроме того, на этих пьесках осваиваются азы фортепианной техники. Например: остинатный бас в "Лесном чудище", легатная игра в "Лунной дорожке", отрывистое стаккато в пьесе "Вприпрыжку".
Два кота
Кукла Барби
За окном зима
Воздушный шарик
Игрушечная железная дорога
Zhanneta Lazarevna - zamechatelnyj detskij pedagog i kompozitor, ee talantom sozdana fundamentalnaja kompozitorskaja i teoreticheskaja shkola dlja nachalnogo etapa obuchenija muzyke. Sochinenija dlja detej Zhannety Metallidi prochno voshli v repertuar junykh muzykantov, ee proizvedenija (ot malenkikh pesok do razvernutykh orkestrovykh sochinenij) davno stali neotemlemoj chastju pochti kazhdogo detskogo festivalja, kontserta, konkursa.
V "Dome s kolokolchikom" sobrany pesy dlja nachinajuschikh pianistov. Vo vtoroj chasti sbornika predstavleny ansambli v chetyre ruki (ispolnjajutsja vmeste s pedagogom). V osnove bolshinstva pes - relefnyj, prostoj i zapominajuschijsja tematizm, neredko "pripravlennyj" prjanymi garmonijami. K melodijam pesok legko pridumyvajutsja prostye stishki, chto ochen pomogaet rebenku v protsesse razuchivanija proizvedenija. Krome togo, na etikh peskakh osvaivajutsja azy fortepiannoj tekhniki. Naprimer: ostinatnyj bas v "Lesnom chudische", legatnaja igra v "Lunnoj dorozhke", otryvistoe stakkato v pese "Vpripryzhku".
Dva kota
Kukla Barbi
Za oknom zima
Vozdushnyj sharik
Igrushechnaja zheleznaja doroga