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  4. Slonimsky. Hamlet. Opera. Vocal score

Slonimsky. Hamlet. Opera. Vocal score

Слонимский. Гамлет. Dramma per musica в 3-х действиях по трагедии Шекспира. Либретто Якова Гордина и Сергея Слонимского. Клавир
Slonimsky. Hamlet. Opera. Vocal score
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Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading modern Russian composers. His creation embraces actually all the genres. Remember the musical drama "Virineya" (1965-1967) after the novel by L. Seyfullina, chamber opera "Master and Margarite" (1970-1972) after M. Bulgakov, opera-ballad "Mary Stuart" (1978-1980) to Ya. Gordin's libretto, dramma per musica "Hamlet" (1990-1991) after the W. Shakespeare's tragedy translated to Russian by B. Pasternak, chamber opera (monodic drama) "King Ixion" (1993-1995) after the ancient myth and the tragedy by I. Annensky, the Russian tragedy in 14 visions with three epilogues and overture "The Visions of Ioann Grozny" to Ya. Gordin's libretto, dramma per musica "King Lear" (2000-2001) after the tragedy by W. Shakespeare translated by B. Pasternak, symphonies, instrumental concertos, cantatas, among which there is the "Voice From Choir" (1962-1963) to the verses by A. Blok, "One Day of the Life" (1998) to the texts by "Chapter of the Thousand" by Dhammapada translated by V. Toporov, Requiem for soloists, choir and symphony orchestra (2003), so as numerous choral, chamber-instrumental and vocal compositions. The spring of 2005 was marked by the ballet premi? re of the "Magic Nut" after the tale by E. Th. A. Hoffmann to the libretto by the artist Mikhail Chemiakine, who staged it in the Mariinsky Theatre.

Sergei Slonimsky is the professor of the Petersburg Conservatoire, People's Artist of Russia, laureate of the Russian State Prize, knight of the Commander Cross of the Order for Merits before the Polish Republic. Slonimsky's opuses are on roll all over the world.

Slonimsky's Dramma per musica intricately interleaves the variety of opera and drama traditions, thus setting a new angle to the well know Shakespeare's theater where the music. as it is well known. played an important role.

"Hamlet" by Slonimsky is a synthesis of four opera forms: grand symphonized opera, opera of the pre-monteverdi period, beggars' opera and 'instrumental theater'
Сергей Слонимский (р.1932) - известный современный композитор, автор многочисленных произведений во всех жанрах музыкального искусства, в том числе опер "Виринея", "Мастер и Маргарита", "Мария Стюарт", балета "Икар", десяти симфоний, а также вокально-симфонических, камерных произведений, музыки к кинофильмам и др.

Издается клавир музыкальной драмы С. М. Слонимского по трагедии Шекспира "Гамлет" (либретто Якова Гордина и Сергея Слонимского). Dramma per musica Слонимского по-своему сплетает многообразные оперные и театральные традиции, возрождая для современного слушателя-зрителя облик шекспировского театра, где музыка, как известно, играла немалую роль.

"Гамлет" - это синтез четырех оперных форм: большой симфонизированной оперы, оперы предмонтевердиевской эпохи, оперы нищих и "инструментального театра".
Sergej Slonimskij (r.1932) - izvestnyj sovremennyj kompozitor, avtor mnogochislennykh proizvedenij vo vsekh zhanrakh muzykalnogo iskusstva, v tom chisle oper "Virineja", "Master i Margarita", "Marija Stjuart", baleta "Ikar", desjati simfonij, a takzhe vokalno-simfonicheskikh, kamernykh proizvedenij, muzyki k kinofilmam i dr.

Izdaetsja klavir muzykalnoj dramy S. M. Slonimskogo po tragedii Shekspira "Gamlet" (libretto Jakova Gordina i Sergeja Slonimskogo). Dramma per musica Slonimskogo po-svoemu spletaet mnogoobraznye opernye i teatralnye traditsii, vozrozhdaja dlja sovremennogo slushatelja-zritelja oblik shekspirovskogo teatra, gde muzyka, kak izvestno, igrala nemaluju rol.

"Gamlet" - eto sintez chetyrekh opernykh form: bolshoj simfonizirovannoj opery, opery predmonteverdievskoj epokhi, opery nischikh i "instrumentalnogo teatra".
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