Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading modern Russian composers. His creation embraces actually all the genres. Remember the musical drama "Virineya" (1965-1967) after the novel by L. Seyfullina, chamber opera "Master and Margarite" (1970-1972) after M. Bulgakov, opera-ballad "Mary Stuart" (1978-1980) to Ya. Gordin's libretto, dramma per musica "Hamlet" (1990-1991) after W. Shakespeare's tragedy translated to Russian by B. Pasternak, chamber opera (monodic drama) "King Ixion" (1993-1995) after the ancient myth and the tragedy by I. Annensky, the Russian tragedy in 14 visions with three epilogues and overture "The Visions of Ioann Grozny" to Ya. Gordin's libretto, dramma per musica "King Lear" (2000-2001) after the tragedy by W. Shakespeare translated by B. Pasternak, 32 symphonies, ballets, instrumental concertos, cantatas, among which there is the "Voice From Choir" (1962-1963) to the verses by Alexander Blok, "One Day of the Life" (1998) to the texts from "Chapter of the Thousand" by Dhammapada translated by V. Toporov, Requiem for soloists, choir and symphony orchestra (2003), so as numerous choral, chamber-instrumental and vocal compositions. The spring of 2005 was marked by the ballet premiere of the "Magic Nut" after the tale by E. Th. A. Hoffmann to the libretto by the artist Mikhail Chemiakine, who staged it in the Mariinsky Theatre. It was in 2008, when Slonimsky's oratorial opera "Antigone" after Sophocle's tragedy was firstly staged by A. N. Sokurov at the St. Petersburg Academic Kapelle.
Sergei Slonimsky is the People's Artist of Russia, laureate of the Russian State Prize, knight of the orders "Merits before Motherland" and of the Commander Cross of the Order "Merits before the Polish Republic". Slonimsky's opuses are on roll all over the world.
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading modern Russian composers. His creation embraces actually all the genres. Remember the musical drama "Virineya" (1965-1967) after the novel by L. Seyfullina, chamber opera "Master and Margarite" (1970-1972) after M. Bulgakov, opera-ballad "Mary Stuart" (1978-1980) to Ya. Gordin's libretto, dramma per musica "Hamlet" (1990-1991) after W. Shakespeare's tragedy translated to Russian by B. Pasternak, chamber opera (monodic drama) "King Ixion" (1993-1995) after the ancient myth and the tragedy by I. Annensky, the Russian tragedy in 14 visions with three epilogues and overture "The Visions of Ioann Grozny" to Ya. Gordin's libretto, dramma per musica "King Lear" (2000-2001) after the tragedy by W. Shakespeare translated by B. Pasternak, 32 symphonies, ballets, instrumental concertos, cantatas, among which there is the "Voice From Choir" (1962-1963) to the verses by Alexander Blok, "One Day of the Life" (1998) to the texts from "Chapter of the Thousand" by Dhammapada translated by V. Toporov, Requiem for soloists, choir and symphony orchestra (2003), so as numerous choral, chamber-instrumental and vocal compositions. The spring of 2005 was marked by the ballet premiere of the "Magic Nut" after the tale by E. Th. A. Hoffmann to the libretto by the artist Mikhail Chemiakine, who staged it in the Mariinsky Theatre. It was in 2008, when Slonimsky's oratorial opera "Antigone" after Sophocle's tragedy was firstly staged by A. N. Sokurov at the St. Petersburg Academic Kapelle.
Sergei Slonimsky is the People's Artist of Russia, laureate of the Russian State Prize, knight of the orders "Merits before Motherland" and of the Commander Cross of the Order "Merits before the Polish Republic". Slonimsky's opuses are on roll all over the world.
Сергей Михайлович Слонимский (р. 1932) - один из интереснейших отечественных композиторов настоящего времени, автор произведений во всех жанрах. Его перу принадлежат музыкальная драма "Виринея" (1965-1967) по мотивам повести Л. Сейфуллиной, камерная опера "Мастер и Маргарита" (1970-1972) по М. Булгакову, опера-баллада "Мария Стюарт" (1978-1980) на либретто Я. Гордина, dramma per musica "Гамлет" (1990-1991) по трагедии У. Шекспира в переводе Б. Пастернака, камерная опера (монодическая драма) "Царь Иксион" (1993-1995) по античному мифу и трагедии Ин. Анненского, русская трагедия в четырнадцати видениях с тремя эпилогами и увертюрой "Видения Иоанна Грозного" на либретто Я. Гордина, dramma per musica "Король Лир" (2000-2001) по трагедии У. Шекспира в переводе Б. Пастернака, балеты, 32 симфонии, инструментальные концерты, кантаты (среди них "Голос из хора" (1962-1963) на стихи Александра Блока, "Один день жизни" (1998) на тексты "Главы о тысяче" Дхаммапады в переводе В. Топорова), Реквием для солистов, хора и симфонического оркестра (2003), а также множество хоровых, камерно-инструментальных и вокальных произведений. Весной 2005 года в Мариинском театре состоялась премьера балета "Волшебный орех" на либретто (по сказке Э. Т. А. Гофмана) и в постановке художника Михаила Шемякина. В 2008 году в зале Академической капеллы Санкт-Петербурга была впервые представлена в концертном исполнении ораториальная опера "Антигона" по трагедии Софокла в постановке режиссера А. Н. Сокурова.
С. М. Слонимский - народный артист России, лауреат Государственной премии Российской Федерации, кавалер российского ордена "За заслуги перед Отечеством" IV степени и Командорского креста ордена "За заслуги" Республики Польша. Его сочинения часто исполняются в России и за рубежом.
Sergej Mikhajlovich Slonimskij (r. 1932) - odin iz interesnejshikh otechestvennykh kompozitorov nastojaschego vremeni, avtor proizvedenij vo vsekh zhanrakh. Ego peru prinadlezhat muzykalnaja drama "Virineja" (1965-1967) po motivam povesti L. Sejfullinoj, kamernaja opera "Master i Margarita" (1970-1972) po M. Bulgakovu, opera-ballada "Marija Stjuart" (1978-1980) na libretto Ja. Gordina, dramma per musica "Gamlet" (1990-1991) po tragedii U. Shekspira v perevode B. Pasternaka, kamernaja opera (monodicheskaja drama) "Tsar Iksion" (1993-1995) po antichnomu mifu i tragedii In. Annenskogo, russkaja tragedija v chetyrnadtsati videnijakh s tremja epilogami i uvertjuroj "Videnija Ioanna Groznogo" na libretto Ja. Gordina, dramma per musica "Korol Lir" (2000-2001) po tragedii U. Shekspira v perevode B. Pasternaka, balety, 32 simfonii, instrumentalnye kontserty, kantaty (sredi nikh "Golos iz khora" (1962-1963) na stikhi Aleksandra Bloka, "Odin den zhizni" (1998) na teksty "Glavy o tysjache" Dkhammapady v perevode V. Toporova), Rekviem dlja solistov, khora i simfonicheskogo orkestra (2003), a takzhe mnozhestvo khorovykh, kamerno-instrumentalnykh i vokalnykh proizvedenij. Vesnoj 2005 goda v Mariinskom teatre sostojalas premera baleta "Volshebnyj orekh" na libretto (po skazke E. T. A. Gofmana) i v postanovke khudozhnika Mikhaila Shemjakina. V 2008 godu v zale Akademicheskoj kapelly Sankt-Peterburga byla vpervye predstavlena v kontsertnom ispolnenii oratorialnaja opera "Antigona" po tragedii Sofokla v postanovke rezhissera A. N. Sokurova.
S. M. Slonimskij - narodnyj artist Rossii, laureat Gosudarstvennoj premii Rossijskoj Federatsii, kavaler rossijskogo ordena "Za zaslugi pered Otechestvom" IV stepeni i Komandorskogo kresta ordena "Za zaslugi" Respubliki Polsha. Ego sochinenija chasto ispolnjajutsja v Rossii i za rubezhom.