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  4. Hungarian Rhapsodies No. 8 and No. 12 for piano

Hungarian Rhapsodies No. 8 and No. 12 for piano

Венгерские рапсодии No. 8 и No. 12 для фортепиано
Hungarian Rhapsodies No. 8 and No. 12 for piano
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9.00 € 8.18 € veroton
Lähetetään 2 viikon sisällä tilauksesta
Ostoskoriin Lisää suosikkeihin
The Hungarian Rhapsodies by Ferenz Liszt (1811-1886) belong to the most brilliant and novel compositions. The great master of piano managed to work out the folklore origins, basing the musical canvas of these rhapsodies. The musicologist Mikhail Druskin marked, "...the twenty one pieces from the Hungarian Melodies and Rhapsodies (1840-1848) to have become the initial project of the future large-scaled cycle. Many of the tunes entered the rhapsodies' material". "I derived resources, - Liszt uttered concerning these themes, - everywhere I found them: firstly from my own children reminiscences, descending from Bihari and other gypsy kings, then I ladled them out of the fields, right in the thick of the Edenburgh, Presburg and Pest's gypsy orchestras. Finally, I learned by heart and reproduced numerous tunes, which were generously reported to me by means of piano or just written down..."
The Hungarian Rhapsodies by Ferenz Liszt (1811-1886) belong to the most brilliant and novel compositions. The great master of piano managed to work out the folklore origins, basing the musical canvas of these rhapsodies. The musicologist Mikhail Druskin marked, "...the twenty one pieces from the Hungarian Melodies and Rhapsodies (1840-1848) to have become the initial project of the future large-scaled cycle. Many of the tunes entered the rhapsodies' material". "I derived resources, - Liszt uttered concerning these themes, - everywhere I found them: firstly from my own children reminiscences, descending from Bihari and other gypsy kings, then I ladled them out of the fields, right in the thick of the Edenburgh, Presburg and Pest's gypsy orchestras. Finally, I learned by heart and reproduced numerous tunes, which were generously reported to me by means of piano or just written down..."
Венгерские рапсодии Ференца Листа (1811-1886) принадлежат к числу наиболее ярких и оригинальных его художественных созданий. Лист разрабатывал фольклорные источники, легшие в основу Венгерских рапсодий, на протяжении нескольких десятилетий. Как отмечает музыковед М. Друскин, "...первоначальным эскизом послужили Венгерские мелодии и рапсодии (двадцать одна пьеса, 1840-1848). Большинство содержащихся здесь напевов вошли в позже написанные девятнадцать рапсодий". "Я черпал богатство там, - писал об этих темах Лист, - где находил: сначала в собственных детских воспоминаниях, которые восходят к Бихари и другим цыганским знаменитостям, а затем в полях в самой толще цыганских оркестров Эденбурга, Пресбурга, Пешта и т. д., наконец, я запомнил и по-своему воспроизвел много мотивов, характерных черт, которые с редкой щедростью сообщали мне либо фортепиано, либо в записи..."
Vengerskie rapsodii Ferentsa Lista (1811-1886) prinadlezhat k chislu naibolee jarkikh i originalnykh ego khudozhestvennykh sozdanij. List razrabatyval folklornye istochniki, legshie v osnovu Vengerskikh rapsodij, na protjazhenii neskolkikh desjatiletij. Kak otmechaet muzykoved M. Druskin, "...pervonachalnym eskizom posluzhili Vengerskie melodii i rapsodii (dvadtsat odna pesa, 1840-1848). Bolshinstvo soderzhaschikhsja zdes napevov voshli v pozzhe napisannye devjatnadtsat rapsodij". "Ja cherpal bogatstvo tam, - pisal ob etikh temakh List, - gde nakhodil: snachala v sobstvennykh detskikh vospominanijakh, kotorye voskhodjat k Bikhari i drugim tsyganskim znamenitostjam, a zatem v poljakh v samoj tolsche tsyganskikh orkestrov Edenburga, Presburga, Peshta i t. d., nakonets, ja zapomnil i po-svoemu vosproizvel mnogo motivov, kharakternykh chert, kotorye s redkoj schedrostju soobschali mne libo fortepiano, libo v zapisi..."
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