1. Nuotit ja musiikkikirjat
  2. Nuotit: Puupuhaltimet ja saksofoni
  3. Nuotit: Huilu
  4. Concertino for Flute and Chamber orchestra. Piano score and part

Concertino for Flute and Chamber orchestra. Piano score and part

Концертино для флейты и камерного оркестра. Клавир и партия
Concertino for Flute and Chamber orchestra. Piano score and part
Katso sisältä
12.00 € 10.91 € veroton
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Zhanneta Lazarevna Metallidi was born on June 1, 1934 in Leningrad. In 1960 she graduated from the Petersburg Conservatoire, where she studied composition at G. I. Ustvolskaya and O. A. Yevlakhov (disciples of D. D. Shostakovich).

Zhanneta Metallidi is an acknowledged teacher, having created the fundamental trend of theory and composition for the beginners. The two hypostases of her nature, pedagogical and creative ones, are interlaced in one circulatory system, making for the young musicians education. She embraces actually all the possible genres (solo and ensemble pieces for different instruments, chamber vocal and orchestral music, pieces for wind and symphony orchestra, cantatas for choir, musical performances.

Little pianists enjoy learning her piano miniatures and ensembles from the collections "Cottage with the Bell", "Musical Surprise", growing older they perform her cycles "Golden Ring of Russia", "Hermitage Sketches", ensembles in four hands from the collection "I Walk Looking Everywhere", "Favourite Tales", "From the North to the South". Junior violinists are enthralled by the pieces from the collection "Play Sweetly, oh, the Fiddle", growing up they master their skill in the Concertino for Violin and Chamber Orchestra. Children of the pre-school period sing Metallidi's songs, while her operas-tales and musicals are staged in schools and colleges. Meanwhile Zhanneta Metallidi's ideas are sometimes embodied in serious complicated opuses, intended for grown-ups (the symphony, concertos for violin, trumpet, piano, hautboy and flute). Her virtuoso Concertino for flute is popular not only among the soloists, but also among such conductors as A. Janssons, A. Dmitriev, R. Martynov.

Metallidi is the author of choruses a cappella and songs. She resorts to the creation of Marina Tsvetayeva, Vladimir Mayakovsky and Ancient poets.

The essence of Metallidi's chamber discoveries is embodied in her Suite for the wind quintet and string quartet.

Symphonic suites "Golden Key" and "At the Curved Seashore" are creams of crops of the St.Petersburg D. D. Shostakovich Philharmonic Orchestra. Zhanneta Metallidi enjoys popularity all over the world (England, USA, Germany, Poland, Finland and Greece).
Концертино для флейты и камерного оркестра написано в 1960 году. Это дипломная работа Жанны Металлиди в годы учения в Ленинградской консерватории. Среди исполнителей Концертино - дирижеры Илья Мусин, Александр Дмитриев, Вероника Дударова, Арвид Янсонс (предложивший ввести партию английского рожка в партитуру сочинения), флейтисты Александр Рацбаум, Евгений Ганин. И оркестровый вариант, и авторское переложение для флейты и фортепиано вошли в репертуар многих известных флейтистов и многократно фигурировали в их концертных программах. Издание адресовано студентам музыкальных училищ, консерваторий и профессиональным концертирующим исполнителям.
Kontsertino dlja flejty i kamernogo orkestra napisano v 1960 godu. Eto diplomnaja rabota Zhanny Metallidi v gody uchenija v Leningradskoj konservatorii. Sredi ispolnitelej Kontsertino - dirizhery Ilja Musin, Aleksandr Dmitriev, Veronika Dudarova, Arvid Jansons (predlozhivshij vvesti partiju anglijskogo rozhka v partituru sochinenija), flejtisty Aleksandr Ratsbaum, Evgenij Ganin. I orkestrovyj variant, i avtorskoe perelozhenie dlja flejty i fortepiano voshli v repertuar mnogikh izvestnykh flejtistov i mnogokratno figurirovali v ikh kontsertnykh programmakh. Izdanie adresovano studentam muzykalnykh uchilisch, konservatorij i professionalnym kontsertirujuschim ispolniteljam.
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