Собрание сочинений. Том XV. Произведения для скрипки и фортепиано. Сотворение мира. Сюита из одноименного балета. Транскрипция для скрипки и фортепиано. Цыганская рапсодия для скрипки и фортепиано. В оркестре...
Andrey Petrov (1930-2006) was born in Leningrad. In 1954 he graduated from the Leningrad Conservatoire, where he studied composition at professor O. A. Yevlakhov's class. Among the titles he was awarded...
Andrey Petrov (1930-2006) was born in Leningrad. In 1954 he graduated from the Leningrad Conservatoire, where he studied composition at professor O. A. Yevlakhov's class. Among the titles he was awarded...
Andrey Petrov (1930-2006) was born in Leningrad. In 1954 he graduated from the Leningrad Conservatoire, where he studied composition at professor O. A. Yevlakhov's class. Among the titles he was awarded...
Andrey Petrov (1930-2006) was born in Leningrad. In 1954 he graduated from the Leningrad Conservatoire, where he studied composition at professor O. A. Yevlakhov's class. Among the titles he was awarded...