"Paraphrases on an Unchanging Theme" is a collection consisting of 24 variations and 17 pieces created by the composers of the Balakirev circle, Shcherbachiov and Liszt. Each piece is based on the simplest...
P. I. Tchaikovsky. Serenade
А. P. Borodin. Dawn, Why Do You Come so Soon?
N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. That's not a Blowing Wind
N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Echo
S. V. Rachmaninov. It's Beautiful...
The collection includes some works by Russian classics of 19-20th centuries: A. Borodin, A. Dyubyuk, N. Rimsky-Korsakov and other composers. These pieces are largely used in educational practice. For students...
A. Griboyedov. Waltz
A. Griboyedov. Waltz
J. Field. Nocturne. Edited by A. Nikolayev and V. Solovyov
M. Glinka. Romance. Arranged by V. Solovyov
A. Dargomyzhsky. Melancholy Waltz
A. Dargomyzhsky....
The piano music has never attracted the A. P. Borodin's (1833-1887) main attention. Piano compositions occupy a rather modest place in the composer's legacy. The "Little Suite" represents a new type of...
One of the most popular works of an outstanding Russian composer, one of the best Russian symphonies of the 19th century. The name "Bogatyrskaya" was given by V.V. Stasov.
Одна из лучших русских народно-эпических опер, созданная на основе памятника древнерусской литературы "Слово о полку Игореве". Осталась неоконченной ввиду смерти Бородина; завершена А. Глазуновым и Н....
The edition contains piano works by the great Russian composer, first of all his famous Little Suite. For Senior grades pupils of music schools and students of music colleges.
M. Glinka. Persian Song from the opera "Ruslan and Ludmila"
A. Borodin. Cavatina from the opera "Prince Igor"
M. Mussorgsky. Hopak from the opera "Sorochintsky Fair"
N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Dance...
Alexander Danilovich Kamensky (1900-1952) is ranked among the most brilliant Russian pianists of the 20th century. His music abilities revealed already in the...
Prince Igor is the opera by A. Borodin in 4 acts with prologue. Libretto was written by the composer himself on the base of V. Stasov's "The Song of Igor's Campaign". N. Rimsky-Korsakov and A. Glazunov...
1. M. Glinka I remember a wonderful moment
2. M. Glinka Venice night
3. M. Glinka Incidental song
4. A. Borodin To the shores of the motherland modal
5. N. Rimskij-Korsakov Thins the clouds...
Красный сарафан. Музыка А. Варламова, слова Н. Цыганова
Сарафанчик. Музыка А. Гурилева, слова А. Полежаева
Оделась туманами Сиерра-Невада... Музыка А. Даргомыжского, слова В. Ширкова
"Князь Игорь" - опера российского композитора А. П. Бородина в четырёх действиях с прологом. Источником для либретто, написанного самим автором (при участии В. В. Стасова), послужил памятник древнерусской...
A. Borodin. FOR THE SHORES OF THY FAIR NATIVE LAND. Verses by A. Pushkin
A. Borodin. AS PEOPLE'S H0ME. Verses by N. Nekrasov
M. Musorgsky. SONG OF THE FLEA. Mephistopheles'...
145 mm x 205 mm
Aleksandr Porfirevich Borodin (1833-1887), russkij kompozitor i uchenyj-khimik. Aktivno zanimalsja nauchnoj, pedagogicheskoj i obschestvennoj dejatelnostju. S 1874 goda rukovodil khimicheskoj...