"Paraphrases on an Unchanging Theme" is a collection consisting of 24 variations and 17 pieces created by the composers of the Balakirev circle, Shcherbachiov and Liszt. Each piece is based on the simplest...
P. I. Tchaikovsky. Serenade
А. P. Borodin. Dawn, Why Do You Come so Soon?
N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. That's not a Blowing Wind
N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Echo
S. V. Rachmaninov. It's Beautiful...
This book is a reprint of the original edition (published by M.P. Belyaev, 1895), created on the basis of a high-resolution electronic copy, which was cleaned and processed manually, preserving the structure...
The collection includes some works by Russian classics of 19-20th centuries: A. Borodin, A. Dyubyuk, N. Rimsky-Korsakov and other composers. These pieces are largely used in educational practice. For students...
В сборнике представлены избранные романсы великого русского композитора. В их числе - "На холмах Грузии" и "Редеет облаков летучая гряда" на слова А. Пушкина, "Не ветер, вея с высоты" на слова А. К. Толстого...
The genre of romance took a place far from central in the work of N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908). However the composer wrote a significant number of chamber vocal compositions, which played a prominent...
Rimsky-Korsakov's monumental work continues the traditions of the fairytale-epic opera, laid down by Glinka in Ruslana and Lyudmila, and is one of the brightest and most significant works of Russian opera...
Inspired by the Arabian fairy tales "1001 nights", the symphonic suite "Scheherazade", according to B.V. Asafiev, "still captivates listeners as one of the most charming legends about the East in Russian...
"Suite" Sheherazade "based on Arabic fairy tales" 1001 Nights "is the most important symphonic work by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. The first performance of the suite took place in a concert of the Russian Musical...
Николай Андреевич Римский-Корсаков (1844-1908) - русский композитор, педагог, дирижер, общественный деятель, музыкальный критик; участник "Могучей кучки", автор многочисленных произведений в разных жанрах.
The publication "Anthology. The Russian Secular Choir Music a Cappella. XIX - early XX" is the educational aid on the subject "History of the Russian Choir Music" intended for the students of the choir-conducting...
К. Szymanowski. Song of Roxana. From the opera "King Roger". Arranged by P. Kochanski
N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Aria of the Shemakhan Tsarina. From the opera "The Golden Cockerel". Arranged by...
"The Golden Cockerel" is the last opera of N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, written according to the tale of A. S. Pushkin, one of the composer's highest creative achievements. From the day of the premiere in 1909,...
Шедевры фортепианной транскрипции. Выпуск 45. Сергей Курсанов. Транскрипции романсов русских композиторов на стихи А. С. Пушкина. Рахманинов, Рубинштейн, Власов, Кюи, Шереметьев, Римский-Корсаков, Ляп...
"Снегурочка" по одноименной сказке А. Н. Островского - одно из ярких сочинений русской музыкальной классики. Сам композитор считал эту оперу своим лучшим творением. Сочинение было завершено в 1881 году;...
M. Glinka. Persian Song from the opera "Ruslan and Ludmila"
A. Borodin. Cavatina from the opera "Prince Igor"
M. Mussorgsky. Hopak from the opera "Sorochintsky Fair"
N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Dance...
The "Czar's bride" written in 1898 according to the historical drama of the same name of L. Mey - the most played of Rimsky-Korsakov's operas. For concerts giving musicians, students, teaching and musical...
Reprint of original edition, Muzyka, 1985
Attn.! This book is print-on-demand. Please be advised that the quality of print is not like in modern editions.
1. M. Glinka I remember a wonderful moment
2. M. Glinka Venice night
3. M. Glinka Incidental song
4. A. Borodin To the shores of the motherland modal
5. N. Rimskij-Korsakov Thins the clouds...
Это одна из самых "загадочных" опер великого русского композитора. Мусоргский отзывался он ней как о том источнике, из которого он черпал свою интонационную "правду" - живой речитативный поток, чуткий...
В начале 1897 года Римский-Корсаков положил на музыку небольшую сцену из "маленькой трагедии" Пушкина "Моцарт и Сальери". Летом композитор написал еще две сцены, а в августе того же года завершил оперу....
"Снегурочка" - весенняя сказка Н. Римского-Корсакова в 4 д. с прологом, либретто композитора по одноименной пьесе А. Островского. Премьера: Петербург, Мариинский театр, 29 января 1882 г., под управлением...
The collection "100 Russian Folk Songs" is an important part of the creative legacy of the great composer, an outstanding musical monument. Compiled by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov in 1876 and soon published...
"The Golden Cockerel" is the last opera by N. Rimsky-Korsakov, written by him in 1907. This is a vivid example of a musical and stage work with a sharp satirical orientation. Due to censorship restrictions,...
The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of His Son the Renowned and Mighty Bogatyr Prince Gvidon Saltanovich and Beautiful Princess-Swan. Opera in four acts (six scenes) with prologue. Libretto by Vladimir Belsky after...
От издателя
Майская ночь - опера Н.А. Римского-Корсакова в 3-х действиях, на собственное либретто, по мотивам одноименной повести Н. В. Гоголя. Обратившись к повести Гоголя, композитор широко использовал...
"Sadko" is an opera-bylina in seven scenes by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. The libretto was written by the composer with assistance from V. Stasov, V. Belsky, V. Shtrup, V. Yastrebtsev. The premiere took place...
A. Titov. Waltz
A. Titov. Waltz
A. Gurilyov. Sudarynya-polka
M. Glinka. Waltz
A. Dybyuk. Romance
A. Rubinstein. Melody
N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Prelude-impromrtu
A. Lyadov. Prelude-pastorale
Suite "Shekherazade" was created on the base of the Arabian tales "1001 Nights", being one оГthe most significant symphonic compositions by N. А. Rimsky-Korsakov. It's appearance dates...