Встреча весной 1891 года с кларнетистом Мейнингенского оркестра Р. Мюльфельдом побудила Брамса к созданию ряда произведений с участием кларнета, в число которых вошли две сонаты для кларнета и фортепиано...
The present full publication of "Souvenir de la Russie" is issued according to the modern textological and musical-graphical requirements. The original copy preserved in the Russian National Library was...
This issue is a part of the supposed selected piano works edition of the great German composer Johannes Brams (1833–1897) that is to comprise his most significant pieces for piano solo.
It is based on...
F. Schubert. An die Musik (To the Music)
L. Beethoven. Minuet. From Septet Op. 20
F. Mendelssohn. Auf Flugeln des Gesanges (On Wings of Song)
J. Brahms. Lullaby
G. Bizet. Duet. From the...
Венгерские танцы, написанные для фортепиано в четыре руки, принадлежат к числу самых популярных сочинений выдающегося немецкого композитора Йоганнеса Брамса (1833-1897).
В издание включены популярные в концертно-педагогической практике фортепианные сочинения великого немецкого композитора - Три интермеццо (соч.117), Шесть пьес (соч.118), Четыре пьесы (соч.119). Предназначено...
В издание включены популярные в концертно-педагогической практике фортепианные сочинения великого немецкого композитора - Восемь пьес (соч.76). Две рапсодии (соч.79), Семь фантазий (соч.116). Предназначено...
The four symphonies by Johannes Brahms (1833–1897) belong to the highest achievements of the world classical music. All of them were composed during the period of maturity in Brahms' creative work. When...
The four symphonies by Johannes Brahms (1833–1897) belong to the highest achievements of the world classical music. All of them were composed during the period of maturity in Brahms' creative work. When...
The four symphonies by Johannes Brahms (1833–1897) belong to the highest achievements of the world classical music. All of them were composed during the period ойпа1ип1у in Brahms' creative work. When...
The four symphonies by Johannes Brahms (1833–1897) belong to the highest achievements of the world classical music. All of them were composed during the period of maturity in Brahms' creative work. When...
This issue is a part of the supposed selected piano works edition of the great German composer Johannes Brams (1833–1897) that is to comprise his most significant pieces for piano solo.
It is based on...
In his later period, Johannes Brahms wrote a number of miniature piano pieces: Eight Pieces, op. 76 (1871–1878), Two Rhapsodies, op. 79 (1879), four collections, op. 116, 117, 118, 119 (1892–93). It is...