Estonians have always preferred local food. Generations upon generations of Estonians have grown up on bread, potatoes and vegetables as well as fish and a rich variety of forest fruits and mushrooms. This recipe book, illustrated with beautiful photos of food and nature, provides an overview of contemporary Estonian cuisine. The majority of the dishes formed a part of the Estonian menu already in the 1930s, during the short heyday of the first republic. But there are also dishes that were introduced in the 1950s and later.
As we say in Estonia, may your bread last!
Estonians have always preferred local food. Generations upon generations of Estonians have grown up on bread, potatoes and vegetables as well as fish and a rich variety of forest fruits and mushrooms. This recipe book, illustrated with beautiful photos of food and nature, provides an overview of contemporary Estonian cuisine. The majority of the dishes formed a part of the Estonian menu already in the 1930s, during the short heyday of the first republic. But there are also dishes that were introduced in the 1950s and later.
As we say in Estonia, may your bread last!
Sisältää reilut 50 reseptiä alkupaloista makeisiin
jälkiruokiin, mukana niin perinteisiä kuin myös viime vuosikymmeninä
Viron keittiöihin kotiutuneita herkkuja.
Virolaiset ovat aina suosineet kotimaista ruokaa. Kymmenet sukupolvet ovat varttuneet syöden tummaa leipää, perunaa, vihanneksia sekä kalaa ja metsän runsaita antimia.
Tämä kauniita ruoka- ja luontokuvia sisältävä keittokirja luo katsauksen nyky-Viron keittiöön. Suurin osa kirjassa esiteltävistä ruoista on kuulunut virolaiseen ruokapöytään jo 1930-luvulla, maan ensimmäisen itsenäisyyden kukoistuskaudella. Joukossa on kuitenkin myös myöhemmin suosioon nousseita herkkuja.
Maukkaita hetkiä virolaisen keittiön parissa ja jätku leivale, kuten lahden toisella puolella sanotaan!
Kirjan tekijät Harri Ilves ja
Lia Virkus ovat maassaan tunnettuja ruoka-alan toimijoita: Ilves
työskentelee ravintola-alalla, Virkus suosittujen ruokalehtien
toimittajana ja -kirjojen kirjoittajana.
Koko 220 mm x 220 mm, paksuus 14 mm, paino 544 g
Kirjastoluokka 68.25
Estonians have always preferred local food. Generations upon generations of Estonians have grown up on bread, potatoes and vegetables as well as fish and a rich variety of forest fruits and mushrooms. This recipe book, illustrated with beautiful photos of food and nature, provides an overview of contemporary Estonian cuisine. The majority of the dishes formed a part of the Estonian menu already in the 1930s, during the short heyday of the first republic. But there are also dishes that were introduced in the 1950s and later.
As we say in Estonia, may your bread last!