This book serves the interests of the children of compatriots living abroad. The story describes funny adventures of a girl and a boy and is accompanied by interesting exercises to help the children to...
Russian Souvenir. Workbook. Pre-intermediate level
The Student's book with audio CD, the Workbook and the Teacher's book with CD are sold separately.
4th edition
Пособие по аудированию, чтению и говорению для иностранных учащихся
Цель пособия - формирование и развитие у учащихся навыков аудирования, чтения и говорения в соответствии с требованиями к Базовому уровню...
This language game in the form of lotto helps to memorize the common Russian vocabulary by playing. This game book is written for the beginners. It has no age limit. The book consists of twenty thematic...
Play the Russian cases. Manual for beginners.
The book is designed for the beginners who study the case forms of the nouns. It will help the students to choose the correct case forms. The present game...
Prefixed verbs of movement in Russian: manual in the form of a game.
Verbs of motion
The theme Verbs of movement is one of the most difficult grammar themes in the Russian language. The present language...
Eteenpäin! Puhumisen kehitykseen tarkoitettu oppikirja. Taso B1-B2
Sisältää kirjan ja MP3-levyn
Oppikirja on tarkoitettu venäjän kielen jatkotason ulkomaalaisille opiskelijoille. Oppikirja sisältää 8...
Wonderful adventures in the village of Skazkino
The book consists of small, fascinating stories. The stories describe adventures of twins Vanya and Masha. While on vacation with his grandmother in a village,...
Mennä vai kävellä? Venäjän kielen liikeverbit
Teos auttaa järjestämään ja systematisoimaan tietoja liikeverbeistä ja opettaa käyttämään verbejä oikein kokonaisina lauseina. Kirja on tarkoitettu venäjän...
Russian With Mother - Russkii Iazyk s Mamoi
Forget-me-not. Russian for children of compatriots living abroad.
The authors of this book open to little children the new surprising world of the Russian...
The book is designed for foreign students with the basic knowledge of Russian. It acquaints them with the main rules of use of the verbs of motion.
The texts given in the book are mostly short and understandable...
Venäläinen luokka. Oppikirja. Alkutaso A2-B1.
Oppikirja on tarkoitettu 12-16-vuotiaille oppilaille, jotka opiskelevat venäjän kieltä toisena tai kolmantena kielenä. Oppikirja on tarkoitettu 120-140 tuntia...
Пособие поможет начинающим преподавателям русского языка как иностранного систематизировать материал для эффективных занятий с иностранными учащимися. В доступной форме изложены основные грамматические...
Рабочая тетрадь является компонентом учебного комплекса 'Хочу говорить по-русски', разработанного по оригинальной авторской методике для обучения русскому языку...
The educational line "Literary Reading" is a consistent system of textbooks that allows you to form a bilingual child's communicative and linguocultural competence,...
Training complex "Istoki2" is designed to teach the Russian language to children aged 11-13, who live outside Russia and know the basics of spoken Russian and some practical grammar.
The workbook is designed to reinforce the material presented in the textbook lessons. It can be used for both classroom and independent work of the student.
Oppikirja ja tämä työkirja ovat tarkoitettu 12-16-vuotiaille oppilaille, jotka opiskelevat venäjän kieltä toisena tai kolmantena kielenä. Oppikirja on...
Цель пособия "Учимся жить в России" - помочь иностранцам, собирающимся или уже приехавшим в Россию, овладеть необходимыми навыками коммуникации в реальных жизненных ситуациях - в университете, в транспорте,...
Учебный комплекс для детей-билингвов.
Рабочая тетрадь является компонентом впервые разработанного по оригинальной авторской методике национально ориентированного учебного комплекса "Хочу говорить по-русски"...
This is an unusual romantic love story about a ship captain who falls in love with a poor girl. It shows that you have to believe in your dreams and that miracles can happen!
This reader provides a shortened version of Lev Tolstoy's famous story of Anna Karenina, specifically adapted for Russian language learners at B2 level.
The book includes commentaries and comprehension...
Venäjän kieliopin maa, osa 2
Kirja on suunniteltu kotiopetukseen venäjänkielisille lapsille, jotka eivät asu Venäjällä.
Kirja sopii alakouluikäisille, heidän vanhemmilleen ja opettajilleen. Kielioppi...
Tiny Jewelry Box: reading manual for the foreigners learning Russian
Elementary level
The book contains about 100 short texts and exercises. All texts are authentic, interesting and funny. The foreign...
We discuss the global problems and repeat the Russian grammar: manual for foreign students .
The manual is aimed at the development of professional communication skills. Actual political and social themes...