The Spektrum Biologi Lightbok has less text than the Basic book, but both are stage books for grades 7-9 with easy-to-read texts, explanatory pictures, clear structure and a variety of approaches.
Hvilke tre farger er magiske? Hvordan skal Nina få fart på puddelfesten? Går det an å tegne med en saks? Hvordan går det når Palle skal svomme hundesvomming i Hellas? Og er det sant som Palle har lest,...
Biology for secondary school covers courses 1 and 2 in biology. An evolutionary perspective characterizes the content of the books. The texts are reasoned and rich in examples to help the reader understand...
Почти детективные истории для детей от замечательной шведской писательницы Астрид Линдгрен! В книгу вошли трилогия о суперсыщике Калле Блюмквисте, а также две повести "Расмус-бродяга" и "Расмус, Понтус...
Answers to the questionsBiology for secondary school covers courses 1 and 2 in biology. An evolutionary perspective characterizes the content of the books. The texts are reasoned and rich in examples to...