Populjarnaja klassika v dzhazovoj obrabotke - odno iz samykh populjarnykh techenij sovremennoj muzyki. Ona chasto zvuchit na kontsertnoj estrade, s ekranov televizorov i v radioefire.
V serii sbornikov...
Populjarnaja klassika v dzhazovoj obrabotke - odno iz samykh populjarnykh techenij sovremennoj muzyki. Ona chasto zvuchit na kontsertnoj estrade, s ekranov televizorov i v radioefire.
V serii sbornikov...
Populjarnaja klassika v dzhazovoj obrabotke - odno iz samykh populjarnykh techenij sovremennoj muzyki. Ona chasto zvuchit na kontsertnoj estrade, s ekranov televizorov i v radioefire.
V serii sbornikov...
Соната для скрипки и фортепиано - последнее сочинение Клода Дебюсси (1862-1918). Она была завершена весной 1917 г. и стала третьей из задуманных композитором в конце жизни шести сонат для различных составов...
Populjarnaja klassika v dzhazovoj obrabotke - odno iz samykh populjarnykh techenij sovremennoj muzyki. Ona chasto zvuchit na kontsertnoj estrade, s ekranov televizorov i v radioefire.
V serii sbornikov...
145 mm x 205 mm
Fantasy "Francesca da Rimini" bу P. I. Tchaikovsky was created in 1876 after the idea of making the same name opera hadn' t сотеtrue. The premiere took place in Moscow on February 25,...
145 mm x 205 mm
The genre of symphony may be called the sphere о1'рагапюшй importance in Ludwig van.Beethoven's (1770-1827) creation. The nine symphonies sееm to embrace all the periods of the composer's...
145 mm x 205 mm
The genre of symphony may be called the sphere of paramount importance in Ludwig van Beethoven's (1770-1827) creation. The nine symphonies seem to embrace all the periods of the composer's...
145 mm x 205 mm
The four symphonies by Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) belong to the highest achievements of the world classical music. All of them were composed during the period of maturity in Brahms'...
145 mm x 205 mm
The four symphonies by Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) belong to the highest achievements of the world classical music. All of them were composed during the period of maturity in Brahms' creative...
Александр Сезар Леопольд (при крещении получил имя Жорж) Бизе (1838-1875), французский композитор, автор оркестровых произведений, романсов, фортепианных пьес, а также опер, самой известной...
145 mm x 205 mm
The four symphonies by Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) belong to the highest achievements of the world classical music. All of them were composed during the period ойпа1ип1у in Brahms' creative...
145 mm x 205 mm
The four symphonies by Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) belong to the highest achievements of the world classical music. All of them were composed during the period of maturity in Brahms' creative...
145 mm x 205 mm
The genre of symphony may be called the sphere of paramount importance in Ludwig van Beethoven's (1770-1827) creation. The nine symphonies seem to embrace all the periods of the composer's...
Richard Strauss (1864-1949) - the German composer, conductor, musical and public figure, Being the younger contemporary of Gustav Mahler, Strauss managed to live а long, fruitful life....
145 mm x 205 mm
The genre of symphony may be called the sphere of paramount importance in Ludwig van Beethoven's (1770-1827) creation. The nine symphonies seem to embrace all the periods of the composer's...
Rekviem Volfganga Amadeja Mozarta - odno iz samykh ispolnjaemykh sochinenij kompozitora i, bezuslovno, naibolee populjarnoe v mire proizvedenie etogo zhanra.
The present collection is intended for the studying of bayan and accordion, students of musical schools, and also for amateur accordion players.
The main attention of the collection was paid to development...
Впервые публикуется книга, специально посвященная проблеме поддержания рук музыканта в рабочем состоянии. Профилактика заболеваний, их лечение, связь костно-мышечного аппарата рук с состоянием позвоночника,...
Лев Шиндер - выдающийся музыкант, замечательный знаток сольных и оркестровых штрихов. Публикуемая работа представляет серьезный практический интерес для дирижеров, композиторов, концертмейстеров симфонических...
Владимир Николаевич Соколов (р. в 1931 году) - петербургский композитор, выпускник Петербургской консерватории по классу виолончели (проф. Б. Н. Бурлаков) и композиции (О. А. Евлахов). Заслуженный деятель...
Вечерняя песня. Музыка В. Соловьева-Седого, слова А. Чуркина
Наш город. Музыка В. Соловьева-Седого, слова А. Фатьянова
Песня о Ленинграде. Музыка Г. Носова, слова...
A. Villoldo. El choclo
F. Alfano. Muchacho
A. Piazzolla. Ciao, Paris
A. Piazzolla. Solitude
A. Piazzolla. La calle 92
R. Adler. Hernando's Hide Away
J. Matos. La cumparsita
Four easy pieces by W.-A. Mozart are published in the present collection with the intention to introduce this great Austrian composer to little musicians.
Первая коллективная монография, посвященная композитору Сергею Михайловичу Слонимскому. В книге свыше 600 страниц, фотографии, репродукции картин Михаила Шемякина.
В книгу вошли 3 либретто (оперы "Мария...
Georg Goltermann (1824-1898), the German cellist and composer, studied in Dresden at Friedrich August Kummer, being engaged by the Hamburg and Stuttgart kapelles. From 1850 he practised as the cello teacher...
The Sonatina for trumpet and piano by German Okunev (1931-1973) was composed in 1961. This brilliant concert piece of art may be doubtlessly referred to the most distinguished modern works.
Григорий Корчмар (р. в 1947 году) - известный петербургский композитор, председатель Союза композиторов, автор более 140 сочинений в различных жанрах театральной, симфонической, хоровой, вокальной и инструментальной...
Fritz (Friedrich) Seitz (12 June 1848, Gunthersleben-Wechmar, Saxe-Coburg and Gotha - 22 May 1918) was a German Romantic Era composer. He was a violinist who served as a concertmaster, who wrote chamber...
Mazurka No. 5. Arranged by A. Pavlov, op. 7
Etude No. 13. Arranged by V. S. Margolin, op. 10
Nocturne No. 3. Arranged by V.S. Margolin, op. 15
Данное издание адресовано абитуриентам и студентам средних и высших музыкальных учебных заведений. Оно поможет подготовиться к экзаменам по истории музыки, чтению партитур, инструментовке, а также к сдаче...
Modern estrade melodies by foreign (non-Russian) composers for piano and vocal performing, study material of arranging and accompanying for the classes 3-7.
Collection includes recommendations that will...
Е. Gradeski. FESTIVE RAG. Arranged for two accordions and piano by N. Petukhova
V. Fadeyev. MERRY-GO-ROUND. Arranged for two accordions and piano by N. Petukhova
This very collection represents the polyphonic compositions of the 16th-18th centuries. Diverse repertoire embraces the music be the French, English, Italian and german masters.
The applied tables...