Suomenielinen. Suomen juhlavuoden kunniaksi julkaistaan juhlateos, johon kootaan sadan suomalaisyrityksen menestystarinat ensimmäisestä itsenäisyytemme vuodesta lähtien. Kirjassa esitellään yksi organisaatio kutakin itsenäisyyden vuotta kohti.
Juhlateoksen kantavana teemana toimivien tarinoiden takaa löytyy niin vastoinkäymisiä kuin voittokulkuakin, aivan kuten Suomenkin historiasta. Tarinat kuvaavat myös sitä, miten yritykset ja organisaatiot ovat sisukkaan yhdessä tekemisen kautta rakentaneet koko Suomen menestystä.
In Finnish. Finland - 100 Years of Success is a birthday gift to a one-hundred-year-old Finland and a tribute to Finnish work and expertise. Through one hundred success stories, the book follows Finland's path from an agrarian society to a modern Nordic welfare state. The stories proceed through the stages of independent Finland, presenting one company, organization, or product for each year according to when it was established or launched.In addition to success stories, this book discusses the changes and achievements, struggles and low points of Finnish society by decade, binding one hundred stories to a larger whole - Finland.The resulting work has one singular message: Together we have always been more.
In Finnish. Finland - 100 Years of Success is a birthday gift to a one-hundred-year-old Finland and a tribute to Finnish work and expertise. Through one hundred success stories, the book follows Finland's path from an agrarian society to a modern Nordic welfare state. The stories proceed through the stages of independent Finland, presenting one company, organization, or product for each year according to when it was established or launched.In addition to success stories, this book discusses the changes and achievements, struggles and low points of Finnish society by decade, binding one hundred stories to a larger whole - Finland.The resulting work has one singular message: Together we have always been more.