A guide book provides support for students who choose to use this course as a self-study program. It has every instruction, explanation and recommendation written in English. It also contains the answer keys for each exercise in the student's book.
For teachers, it offers methodological advice, suggesting routines to follow in the classroom, as well as how to use the resources provided, such as flash cards and videos. Besides that, a teacher can use the English explanations in their lessons, if they want to give instruction in an intermediary language.
As the student's bok is written entirely in Russian, to follow the immersive language principle, the guide book is highly recommended because it offers you unrestandable assistance when you get lost.
Гайдбук для учебника "Новый Сувенир 1" позволяет исполльзоваь УМК самостоятельно. Он содержит необходимые комментарии на английском языке и ответы к заданиям учебника и методические рекомендации.
Gajdbuk dlja uchebnika "Novyj Suvenir 1" pozvoljaet ispollzova UMK samostojatelno. On soderzhit neobkhodimye kommentarii na anglijskom jazyke i otvety k zadanijam uchebnika i metodicheskie rekomendatsii.