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  3. Partituras: Violonchelo
  4. BACH - DSCH. Partita for two violoncellos

BACH - DSCH. Partita for two violoncellos

BACH - DSCH. Партита для двух виолончелей
BACH - DSCH. Partita for two violoncellos
Año de publicación
9.00 € 8.18 € sin IVA
Envío: 2 semanas desde el momento de la orden
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The composer Gennady Grigoryevich Belov (born in 1939) - is the graduate of the Petersburg Conservatoire, where his teachers were V. Salmanov and D. Shostakovich. Being the Petersburg Conservatoire professor Belov creates a lot in the genre of opera, orchestral, cantata-oratorio, choral and chamber ones. Among his recent opuses there may be marked the vocal cycles, so as the piano pieces in two and four hands. Belov is the laureate of two International Composers' Contests (1990, 1995).
The Partita for two violoncellos BACH-DSCH was composed in 1999 on the threshold of two most important dates - 250ieth anniversary since J. S. Bach's death and the 25th anniversary since
D. Schostakovich's death. The Partita is the kind of dedication and tribute to these two geniuses.
The significant monograms of these composers coincide partially, i. e. they have two common letters-notes. Basing this regularity Belov unites or divides the motives constructing the whole canvas. The baroque spirit inherent to Bach and Shostakovich dominates here both in thematical elaboration and just the manner of thinking.
The premi? re took place on March, 2000 at the author's concert of Gennady Belov (St. Petersburg Conservatoire, Glazunov Maly (Small) Hall), in May, 2000 the Partita was represented at the festival "Musical Spring in Petersburg" (the Composers' House).
The Partita is recommended for educational and concert repertoire.
The composer Gennady Grigoryevich Belov (born in 1939) - is the graduate of the Petersburg Conservatoire, where his teachers were V. Salmanov and D. Shostakovich. Being the Petersburg Conservatoire professor Belov creates a lot in the genre of opera, orchestral, cantata-oratorio, choral and chamber ones. Among his recent opuses there may be marked the vocal cycles, so as the piano pieces in two and four hands. Belov is the laureate of two International Composers' Contests (1990, 1995).
The Partita for two violoncellos BACH-DSCH was composed in 1999 on the threshold of two most important dates - 250ieth anniversary since J. S. Bach's death and the 25th anniversary since
D. Schostakovich's death. The Partita is the kind of dedication and tribute to these two geniuses.
The significant monograms of these composers coincide partially, i. e. they have two common letters-notes. Basing this regularity Belov unites or divides the motives constructing the whole canvas. The baroque spirit inherent to Bach and Shostakovich dominates here both in thematical elaboration and just the manner of thinking.
The premi? re took place on March, 2000 at the author's concert of Gennady Belov (St. Petersburg Conservatoire, Glazunov Maly (Small) Hall), in May, 2000 the Partita was represented at the festival "Musical Spring in Petersburg" (the Composers' House).
The Partita is recommended for educational and concert repertoire.
Геннадий Григорьевич Белов (р. 1939) - композитор, выпускник Петербургской консерватории, ученик В. Салманова и Д. Шостаковича. Профессор Петербургской консерватории. Автор опер, оркестровых, кантатно-ораториальных и хоровых произведений, множества камерных сочинений. Белов - лауреат двух международных композиторских конкурсов (1990, 1995).
Партита для двух виолончелей создана композитором в 1999 году, в преддверие двух важнейших музыкальных дат: 250-летия со дня смерти И.С. Баха и 25-летия со дня смерти Д.Д. Шостаковича. Партита - дань памяти двум гениям. Знаменитые монограммы этих композиторов, совпадающие двумя буквами-нотами из четырех, позволили Геннадию Белову написать сюитный цикл, тематическое движение которого строится на соединении и разъединении этих мотивных формул. Свойственное Баху и близкое Шостаковичу барочное начало господствует в Партите как в способах развития тем, так и в характере инструментального письма.
Первые исполнения произведения состоялись в марте 2000 года в авторском концерте Геннадия Белова (Петербургская консерватория, Малый зал им. Глазунова) и в мае того же года на фестивале "Музыкальная весна в Петербурге" (Дом композиторов).
Сочинение рекомендуется для учебного и концертного репертуара.
Gennadij Grigorevich Belov (r. 1939) - kompozitor, vypusknik Peterburgskoj konservatorii, uchenik V. Salmanova i D. Shostakovicha. Professor Peterburgskoj konservatorii. Avtor oper, orkestrovykh, kantatno-oratorialnykh i khorovykh proizvedenij, mnozhestva kamernykh sochinenij. Belov - laureat dvukh mezhdunarodnykh kompozitorskikh konkursov (1990, 1995).
Partita dlja dvukh violonchelej sozdana kompozitorom v 1999 godu, v preddverie dvukh vazhnejshikh muzykalnykh dat: 250-letija so dnja smerti I.S. Bakha i 25-letija so dnja smerti D.D. Shostakovicha. Partita - dan pamjati dvum genijam. Znamenitye monogrammy etikh kompozitorov, sovpadajuschie dvumja bukvami-notami iz chetyrekh, pozvolili Gennadiju Belovu napisat sjuitnyj tsikl, tematicheskoe dvizhenie kotorogo stroitsja na soedinenii i razedinenii etikh motivnykh formul. Svojstvennoe Bakhu i blizkoe Shostakovichu barochnoe nachalo gospodstvuet v Partite kak v sposobakh razvitija tem, tak i v kharaktere instrumentalnogo pisma.
Pervye ispolnenija proizvedenija sostojalis v marte 2000 goda v avtorskom kontserte Gennadija Belova (Peterburgskaja konservatorija, Malyj zal im. Glazunova) i v mae togo zhe goda na festivale "Muzykalnaja vesna v Peterburge" (Dom kompozitorov).
Sochinenie rekomenduetsja dlja uchebnogo i kontsertnogo repertuara.
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