The collection includes plays by composers of the 17th-18th centuries. - I.S. Bach, Handel, Telemann. Veracini, Marcello, Corelli, Couperin, Ober, Daken ..
For students of children's music schools.
The collection includes plays by composers of the 17th-18th centuries. - I.S. Bach, Handel, Telemann. Veracini, Marcello, Corelli, Couperin, Ober, Daken ..
For students of children's music schools.
Сборник включает пьесы композиторов XVII-XVIII вв. - И.С. Баха, Генделя, Телемана. Верачини, Марчелло, Корелли, Куперена, Обера, Дакена..
Для учащихся детских музыкальных школ.
Sbornik vkljuchaet pesy kompozitorov XVII-XVIII vv. - I.S. Bakha, Gendelja, Telemana. Verachini, Marchello, Korelli, Kuperena, Obera, Dakena..
Dlja uchaschikhsja detskikh muzykalnykh shkol.