A cycle of ten romances, Op. 17, opens the mature period of S. I. Taneyev's (1856-1915) lyric vocal works. Written at different times, romances do not have internal unity, although while preparing the...
Edward Alexander MаcDowell (1860-1908) was a pianist and composer who played a significant role in the development of American academic music. His composer's personality was formed under the influence...
The album pieces for piano was compiled by the Russian scientist, organist and pedagogue Leonid Isaakovich Roizman (1915-1989). This collection includes clavier compositions by J.S. Bach and works for...
Scriabin's piano etudes, along with the etudes by Liszt, Chopin, Saint-Saens and others, combine educational purposes with deep musical content. The circle of images of a cycle of 12 edudes, Op. 8 (1894-1895)...
Издательство "Композитор" публикует вальсы великого польского композитора-романтика и пианиста Фридерика Шопена (1810-1849). В них - и сокровенный лиризм, и глубокая психологичность, и праздничная танцевальность.
В творческом наследии Никколо Паганини (1782-1840) - итальянского скрипача-виртуоза и композитора - выделяются 24 каприса для скрипки соло (ор. 1). Опубликованные при жизни композитора, они вызвали недоумение:...
Popular instrumental cycle by the outstanding Russian composer Rodion K. Shchedrin, that brilliantly reveals the coloristic and virtuoso possibilities of the instrument. There are five parts of the Suite...
One of the most popular works of an outstanding Russian composer, one of the best Russian symphonies of the 19th century. The name "Bogatyrskaya" was given by V.V. Stasov.
Piano works undoubtedly dominate in children's music written by S. Slonimsky.
In these pieces the author reflect the world of the modern child with its characteristic emotions, aspirations, observations...
Series XII, Works for Piano
Volume 112
Op. 6
Op. w/o number.
"Prelude in D flat major"
Op. 87a, no. 15
"Merry March"
Op. w/o number
"He is one of the greatest piano composers, maybe even the greatest one himself", - said Miliy Alexeyevich Balakirev (1836-1910) about Fryderyk Chopin. "Chopin is a worldwide genius. Surely there were...
Nelli Berditchevskaia (born in 1942) is a violinist. She graduated from the Leningrad conservatoire in 1965. Her teachers were professors V. Sher, M. Komissarov, T. Fidler. She worked as a violinist in...
Zhanneta Lazarevna Metallidi was born on June 1, 1934 in Leningrad. In 1960 she graduated from the Petersburg Conservatoire, where she studied composition at G. I. Ustvolskaya and O. A. Yevlakhov (disciples...
J. Mattheson. ARIA
E. Granados. INTERMEZZO. Arranged by G. Cassadd
E. Granados. SPANISH DANCE. Arranged for cello and piano by P. Casals
Percussion duo. Vibraphone and marimba. J. S. Bach - A. Siloti. Prelude in h minor. J. S. Bach. Chromatic fantasia and fugue. Score and part. Arranged by Taras Tkach
Aleksandr Skrjabin (1871/2-1915) - russkij kompozitor i pianist. Ego tvorchestvo stoit na granitse XIX i XX vekov ne tolko khronologicheski: zavershaja velikij romanticheskij vek, ono odnovremenno smotrit...
Volume I
Leopold Auer
Thrown staccato
Springing of tremolo
Springing bow arpeggio
Lucien Capet
Practice on scales
Practice on double stops and chords
Delphin Alard
Vasily Vasilyevich Andreev is a balalaika virtuoso, public figure, organizer and conductor of the great Russian orchestra of folk instruments. He devoted his whole life trying to revive the tradition of...
A work by the great Italian violinist and composer, one of his best known violin compositions, often heard in concerts.
For students of conservatoires and professional preformers.
Три вальса, изданные в предлагаемом сборнике, - любимая музыка многих и многих поколений слушателей. Мелодии этих вальсов известны всем, и даже тем, кто...
Sixty years passed since Aram Hachaturyan's "Album for Children" had undergone its publication in 1947. Several generations of musicians were bred. Actually every one of them got in touch with these little...
Двенадцать этюдов для фортепиано (1894-1895), принадлежащие раннему периоду творчества Скрябина, демонстрируют его высокое композиторское мастерство.
Издание предназначено для студентов консерваторий,...
The last lyrical opera of P. I. Tchaikovsky "Iolanthe" - one of the lightest and vital pages in musical and theatrical works of the composer.
With transliterated text.
The Violin Method that you are just about to open is one of the first methods of the Soviet violin school. Many brilliant violinists that later would honor the ranks of the performers of the Soviet period...
"Suite" Sheherazade "based on Arabic fairy tales" 1001 Nights "is the most important symphonic work by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. The first performance of the suite took place in a concert of the Russian Musical...
Concerto C-major Op.48 (Violin-Orch.) (piano red.) (edited by David Oistrach)
A popular work of the classic composer of the XX century. For concert performers, students of music schools and conservatories.
Одно из лучших сочинений мирового фортепианного репертуара, постоянно звучащее на концертной эстраде. Публикуется в исполнительской редакции российского пианиста Г. Р. Гинзбурга.
Предназначается для студентов...
Alfred Schnittke. Collected works on the materials of the composer's archive. Series III. Compositions for solo instruments with an orchestra or instrumental ensemble. Volume 9
Мечислав Самуилович Вайнберг (1919-1996) - выдающийся советский и российский композитор XX века, заслуженный деятель искусств РСФСР (1971), народный артист РСФСР (1980), лауреат Государственной премии...
Это яркое, блестящее сочинение, основанное на популярных мелодиях Гершвина, придется по вкусу всем пианистам - и студентам музыкальных училищ или консерваторий, и уже концертирующим мастерам. Автор - знаменитый...
Для голоса, скрипки и виолончели. Б/н cоч. (1941)
Прощание. Дм. Покрасс. Слова М. Исаковского
То не тучи - грозовые облака. Из кинофильма "Сыны трудового народа"....