Rainbow: a manual for foreign students for development of written speech in Russian
There're multiple QR codes on each exercise for listenting corresponding audio.
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Пособие по научному стилю речи для иностранных учащихся подготовительных подразделений вузов медицинского и инженерно-технического профиля (уровни А2-B1). Базируется на материале вводно-предметного курса...
Книга, с одной стороны, даёт представление об исторической смене подходов и методов в организации систем упражнений по обучению устной иноязычной речи, а с другой - предлагает авторскую систему упражнений...
Collections of tests "100 points head start" is a series of control materials...
Pora! 3 on venäjän alkeiskurssi aikuisopiskelijoille työväen- ja kansalaisopistoihin, kielikeskuksiin ja itseopiskeluun. Sarjassa painotetaan kommunikointia erilaisissa viestintätilanteissa: kun tavataan...
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Курс русской литературы для иностранных учащихся гуманитарного профиля подготовительных отделений вузов России (уровень А1-В2). Формирует представление о русской литературе X - начала XXI веков, знакомит...
The manual is designed for students mastering Russian at B1 or B2 level, or translators and/or journalists working in Russia.
The main goal of this manual is to make the foreign students acquainted with...
Venäläinen luokka. Työkirja. Tehtäväkirja. Keskitaso B1-B2.
Oppikirja ja tämä työkirja ovat tarkoitettu 14-17-vuotiaille oppilaille, jotka opiskelevat venäjän kieltä toisena tai kolmantena kielenä. Oppikirja...
The proposed textbook for foreign students who speak Russian at the level of B1-B2. The manual includes 4 sections, each of which presents one of the grammatical topics: "Expression of spatial relations",...
Transsib: Ein Russisch-Lehrwerk für Fortgeschrittene
Als Reisebegleitung auf einer Reise mit der Transsibirischen Eisenbahn, kurz Transsib genannt, die Moskau mit Wladiwostok verbindet, kann Russisch...
Facial expression and the gesture system in the Russian speech.
The dictionary aims to serve the needs of those who want to learn more about how the Russians are communicating with each other, to get...
Цель данного пособия - дать возможность иностранцам, изучающим русский язык по основной части комплекса "Учимся жить в России", проверить усвоение материала как самостоятельно, так и с помощью преподавателя....
The goal of the textbook is to teach foreign students to communicate in various situations, to enrich their vocabulary with the stylistically colored expressions of etiquette,...
The series is designed for those who are learning Russian as a second / foreign language at levels A2 and B1. Its characters are representatives of various professions living in contemporary Russia. The...
The series is designed for learners of Russian as a second / foreign language at levels A2 and B1. Its heroes are representatives of various professions living in Russia in the 21st century. The series...
The series is designed for those who are learning Russian as a second / foreign language at levels A2 and B1. Its characters are representatives of various professions living in contemporary Russia. The...
Книга представляет собой профессионально ориентированное учебное пособие по русскому языку, адресованное иностранным учащимся инженерного профиля, владеющим русским языком на уровне В1 и выше. Материалы...
The series is designed for learners of Russian as a second / foreign language at levels A2 and B1. Its heroes are representatives of various professions living in Russia in the 21st century. The series...
The series is designed for those who are learning Russian as a second / foreign language at levels A2 and B1. Its characters are representatives of various professions living in contemporary Russia. The...
This textbook is a guide for foreigners studying Russian (level B1) who are interested in Russian culture and history, who want to expand their understanding of Moscow and improve their knowledge of Russian.
The series is designed for those who are learning Russian as a second / foreign language at levels A2 and B1. Its characters are representatives of various professions living in contemporary Russia. The...
Venäläinen luokka. Oppikirja. Tekstikirja. Keskitaso B1-B2.
Oppikirja ja tämä työkirja ovat tarkoitettu 14-17-vuotiaille oppilaille, jotka opiskelevat venäjän kieltä toisena tai kolmantena kielenä. Oppikirja...
The book contains texts about Russia on topics such as travelling, shopping, food, family, cultural events, national cultural characteristics, holidays, etc. The texts are accompanied by a dictionary and...
Рабочая тетрадь является частью учебно-методического комплекса "Первые шаги в языкознании", который включает в себя также учебное пособие и материалы для аудирования, доступные для онлайн-прослушивания...
В сборнике Синяя звезда" представлены 16 адаптированных текстов - рассказов и сказок русских писателей-классиков. Большинство текстов (рассказы Чехова, Куприна, Булгакова и др.) знакомят иностранцев с...
Russian language program for foreign citizens. Level B1. Common language
For students of various forms of pre-university training (preparatory faculties, courses, etc.) in Russia and abroad, as well as...
The manual is intended for foreign students studying Russian at an advanced stage of study (TRKI-2 / B2), as well as for everyone who wants to improve their intonation and speech skills.
Nadezhda. The Hope: textbook for c ourses of Russian as a foreign language (B1+/B2). Issue 1.
Part 1. We can not live without each other.
Part 2. We are to grow to a hudred without getting old.