Настоящее пособие адресовано абитуриентам, поступающим в высшие учебные заведения, а также учащимся старших классов средних школ, гимназий, лицеев колледжей и призвано помочь подготовиться к сдаче Единого...
Книга представляет собой учебное пособие, которое содержит произведения русских писателей и поэтов разных поколений, а также систему заданий к ним. С этой книгой вы можете работать не только на уроке...
We read and speak Russian. (First certificate level)
The book is designed for foreign students who learn Russian in Russia or in their native country. It serves the interests of the students with the...
Modern Russian Idioms.
The present manual on the modern Russian idioms is designed for foreign students who speak Russian on the advanced level. It can be used both with and without a teacher. The goal...
We prepare ourselves to read a text: reading manual.
This manual is designed for foreign students with the basic level of Russian. It includes stories of the modern Russian authors as well as publicistic...
Let us speak about ourselves.
This manual is designed for foreign students of the advanced level of Russian. It helps to develop verbal speech skills on the base of literature texts, scientific texts...
Russian grammar wall-type tables. Part I.
The present visual materials include a set of grammar tables presenting nominal parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, pronouns), and also numerals. Various graphical...
Russian language: professional communication. Module "Business" Basic level. Linguistical and didactical description of educational content and goals.
This linguistical and didactical description presents...
The present typical test makes part of the Standard Russian Testing System of Russian as a foreign language in the professional communication. It is designed for teachers, students, manuals' authors, administration...
The syntax of the Russian bookish speech: manual for foreign students of advanced level of Russian.
The manual includes theoretical material and a system of tasks aimed at the development of communicative...
Russian for sociologists. Part I
The book is designed for foreign students who study social science and speak Russian on the first certificate level (threshold level) The main goal of the book is the...
Russian for sociologists. Part II
This course is a logical continuation of the course "Russian for sociologists. Part I" by the same authors. The structure and the themes are equivalent to the Part I....
Level: B1
HOW DO WE FORM RUSSIAN ADJECTIVES. Adjectives enrich our speech with new brightness and impart some relish to it. Having mastered formation and use of adjectives you can regard yourself being...
Цель пособия - знакомство с современной русской прозой и совершенствование навыков чтения и интерпретации художественных текстов. В пособие включены небольшие по объему рассказы писателей, представляющих...
A popular course of Russian for grown ups. The goal is maintenance of fast mastering of different aspects of language and kinds of speech activity. Grammatical and colloquial courses are combined. The...
Russian for sociologists. Part I
The book is designed for foreign students who study social science and speak Russian on the first certificate level (threshold level) The main goal of the book is the...
Сборник упражнений по всем разделам английской грамматики. Упражнения основаны на несложной лексике. Они содержат достаточно материала для запоминания основных грамматических форм и выработки навыков их...
Äänite sisältää kaksi CD-levyä. Äänite liittyy Mozhno-kirjoihin, mutta toimii myös itsenäisenä. HUOM! Kirjat on tilattava erikseen! Siinä on hyviä dialogeja luettuna selväkielisesti nimenomaan suomalaista...
Äänite sisältää kaksi CD-levyä. Äänite liittyy Mozhno-kirjoihin, mutta toimii myös itsenäisenä. HUOM! Kirjat on tilattava erikseen! Siinä on hyviä dialogeja luettuna selväkielisesti nimenomaan suomalaista...
Kirja sisältää 16 arkielämän keskusteludialogia tehtävineen. Oppikirja on tarkoitettu peruskielioppia osaaville opiskelijoille. Sopii työskentelyyn sekä tunneilla että itsenäisesti.
Practical stylistics of the Russian language for the students with Russian as non - native language. (advanced level).
The present practical course contains exercises on the stylistics of the Russian...
Lain ulkopuolella. Venäjän kielen opetusmateriaaleja. Osa 1.
Oppikirja sisältää lakitermejä ja arkielämän lakifraaseja, tehtäviä, kielioppia ja venäläis-englantilaista sanastoa. Aiheet ovat esim. auton...
The book is addressed to the students of low intermediate level. It offers to get to know Russian culture through Russian cuisine.
It contains scripts of reciepies, a wide range of exercises.
Предназначено для иностранных студентов I курса медицинских вузов. Развивает лексико-грамматические навыки на материале устной и письменной (чтение) профессиональной речи, ускоряет адаптацию студентов-иностранцев...
Level: B1
CORRECTIVE COURSE OF RUSSIAN GRAMMAR (30 lessons). The course is for foreign learners who have basic knowledge of Russian grammar and vocabulary of about 1000-1200 words. Contains grammatical...
Variant forms in the Russian language.
The present manual is designed for foreign students of advanced level of Russian. It is based on the semantic and functional principle of description and presentation...
Taso: B1
Kuinka muodostetaan venäjän verbejä? Oppkirja tarjoaa mielenkiintoisen ja helposti ymmärrettävän katsauksen venäjän verbien muodostamiseen, niiden morfologiaan, lauseenpainotukseen jne. Tehtävien...
It is very interesting! Book, methodical book in PDF format and CD
Reading-book for both reading with the adult and independent child reading. Consists of four parts. Illustrations. There is an audio-supplement...