The multilateral convention on the demilitarization and neutralization of the Åland Islands was concluded in 1921 and the Convention is still in force. This book analyses the regime of navigation in the...
Drawing on studies from Canada, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia and Scotland Relate North 2014 explores contemporary practices in arts based research and knowledge exchange in the fields of arts and design....
OTM, TtM, YTM Kirsi Pollarin lääkintäoikeuden ja lapsioikeuden aloille sijoittuva väitöskirja on tutkimus alaikäisen potilaan itsemääräämisoikeuden taustalla vaikuttavista oikeudellisista, ammattikulttuurisista...
The Sami have their own concept of time and place, their own relationship to nature, their own rules for how nature is used, traditional livelihoods and rights of usufruct since time immemorial. They also...
Throughout its history Western opera has been in the forefront of embracing emergent representation technologies and making them part of its expressive vocabulary. In my doctoral...
The book presents discussions and debates from three distinct areas of service design research: societal change, value co-creation and development of service design. User participation can change society,...
Acta Universitatis Lapponiensis367
Scientific research into Sami shamanism and cosmology over the past several decades has brought forth an intricate body of knowledge, insights and understanding concerning...