5th Edition 2012.
(Oppikirjan voi tilata erikseen.)
This CD contains the narrative, information items, listening exercises and songs from the matching Ruslan Russian book.
Ruslan Russe 3 manuel
184 pages noir et blanc. Ruslan Russe 3 est un manuel d'apprentissage du Russe destine aux etudiants d'un niveau avance. Il s'inscrit dans la continuation des manuels de russe "Ruslan...
Plus de 200 exercices supplementaires renforcant l'apprentissage de la langue Russe via la methode "Ruslan". Les exercices peuvent etre faits individuellement ou en groupes avec un professeur. Les professeurs...
Only oin Russian.
Includes word lists at the back of the book for English, French, German, Dutch, Swedish.
Can be used with textbook in French, German, Dutch, Swedish or English.
Une methode communicative de russe pour adultes et etudiants de niveau intermediaire. Deuxieme edition francaise.
Dix lecons reprenant la fascinante histoire de Ludmila, Ivan, Vadim et de leurs amis en...
Venäjän alkeisoppikirja nuorille ja aikuisille. Ruslanissa on käytetty paljon elävää nykykieltä ja puhekieltä. Kirja tukeutuu autenttisiin puhetilanteisiin. 20 kappaletta, joissa mielenkiintoinen juon...
Ruslan Russisch 1 ist ein kommunikatives Russischlehrwerk für Erwachsene und Jugendliche. Er führt in ca. 120 Unterrichtseinheiten auf das Sprachniveau A1 des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens....
Andra svenska utgåvan
Ruslan Russian 3 is a continuation of the Ruslan course to advanced level. The action takes place in Irkutsk and around Lake Baikal. Lyudmila and Ruslan go to visit Uncle Kolya,...
Fourth Edition. Textbook.
10 lessons, continuing the Ruslan 1 story line, and taking you to a very good GCSE level in spoken Russian. This is a new edition published April 2013 with considerable amendment...
Neljas painos. (Oppikirjan voi tilata erikseen.)
A communicative Russian course for adults and teenagers.
Two Audio CDs to accompany the Ruslan 2 Student Book. Quality recordings with more than 10 different...
This is a communicative Russian course for adults and young people who understand Swedish, from beginners to intermediate level. 20 units, with an exciting story line.
Audio tracks can be listened to...
Ruslan Ryska 1 är en nybörjarkurs i ryska för ungdomar och vuxna. Innehållet är modernt och kommunikativt med en systematisk introduktion till grundläggande rysk grammatik. Kursen är avsedd för grupper...
Ruslan Russe 1 Manuel. 3me edition
Une methode communicative de russe pour adultes et etudiants de niveaux debutants.
L'alphabet russe.
Dix lecons avec:
- des dialogues animes, la fascinante histoire...
This is a communicative Russian course for adults and young people who understand Swedish, from beginners to intermediate level. 20 units, with an exciting story line.
CD will be ordered separately or...
A new Russian Grammar course, bringing together the grammar points from all three levels of the Ruslan Russian course and with additional material.
Compiled by John Langran, Ruslan Limited.
General Editor...
This reader is for learners using Ruslan Russian 2 or any other Russian course at intermediate level (Council of Europe A2). For each of the 10 lessons there is...
A 94 page A4 book with colour illustrations, photocopiable workcards and ideas for more than fifty different language games and activities for the Russian language classroom.
The collection was published...
This CD contains the narrative, information items, listening excercises and songs from the matching Ruslan Russian book. A HREF="download/HTML/ruslan_comments.htm" target="new" Katso tästä joitakin kysymyksiä...
This is a 32 page supplement for Ruslan Russian 1. It is in full colour and contains additional reading passages, translation exercises, songs and poems for learners and an English to Russian...