This book serves the interests of the children of compatriots living abroad. The story describes funny adventures of a girl and a boy and is accompanied by interesting exercises to help the children to...
Wonderful adventures in the village of Skazkino
The book consists of small, fascinating stories. The stories describe adventures of twins Vanya and Masha. While on vacation with his grandmother in a village,...
Venäjän kieliopin maa, osa 2
Kirja on suunniteltu kotiopetukseen venäjänkielisille lapsille, jotka eivät asu Venäjällä.
Kirja sopii alakouluikäisille, heidän vanhemmilleen ja opettajilleen. Kielioppi...
Venäjän kieliopin maa, osa 1
Kirja on suunniteltu kotiopetukseen venäjänkielisille lapsille, jotka eivät asu Venäjällä.
Kirja sopii alakouluikäisille, heidän vanhemmilleen ja opettajilleen. Kielioppi...
We read and write Russian: text book
Workbook will be ordered separately. This manual is to develop the reading and writing skills. It consists of forty lessons. Each lesson includes a text, comprehensive...
Golden pages of the Russian culture: reader for teenagers . Parts I, II Part I.
The book is designed for children of compatriots living abroad. The complex consists of two parts. Both include reports...
Russian textbook on the culture of speech for children of compatriots living abroad. / (Dewdrop)
The book is designed for children of compatriots living abroad and having no possibility to go to a Russian...
Предлагаемая книга предназначена для домашнего обучения русскому языку детей младшего школьного возраста, их родителей, а также педагогов, работающих с детьми. Задания по данному учебнику позволяют научить...