F. Schubert. An die Musik (To the Music)
L. Beethoven. Minuet. From Septet Op. 20
F. Mendelssohn. Auf Flugeln des Gesanges (On Wings of Song)
J. Brahms. Lullaby
G. Bizet. Duet. From the...
G. Faure. SICILIANA...
From the author
The genre of ensemble music making exists more than hundreds of years. Frankly speaking, a man who started mastering musical instruments was immediately drawn to his fellow-tribesmen...
Петербургский композитор Сергей Москаев - автор четырех симфоний, четырех инструментальных концертов, многочисленных камерных инструментальных и вокальных сочинений, лауреат всероссийского и международного...
Сергей Михайлович Слонимский (р. 1932) - один из интереснейших отечественных композиторов настоящего времени, автор произведений во всех жанрах. Его перу принадлежат музыкальная драма "Виринея" (1965-1967)...
Вадим Биберган родился 24 янв. 1937 в Москве. Окончил Уральскую консерваторию в 1960 по классу фортепиано у Н. Н. Позняковской, в 1961 по классу композиции у В. Н. Трамбицкого, в 1966 - аспирантуру в Ленинградской...
Alexander Georgiyevich Popov (born in 1957) is the Petersburgian composer, author of symphonic compositions, chamber-instrumental and vocal music.
Alexander Popov tries to solve the problem of relations...
Vadim Bibergan is the distinguished Petersburgian composer, creating music in dufferent genres - symphonic, chamber, folk instrumental, song and cinema ones. Bibergan's music is altogether emotional and...
Произведение написано Р. Щедриным по заказу международного виолончельного фестиваля памяти Мстислава Ростроповича в Кронберге. Премьера сочинения состоялась 5 октября 2007 г. в Кронберге в исполнении Сабины...
Jackpot is hit once again and another time thanks to the famous composer Sergei Nikolayevich Poddubny, also known for the regular collections of modern sheet music, compiled and edited by him together...
There exists such a unique and inexplicable pleasure for musicians. This very pleasure is called the ensemble music-making. So much music was played in duets, trio, quartets etc. Imagine, it occurred to...
There exists such a unique and inexplicable pleasure for musicians. This very pleasure is called the ensemble music-making. So much music was played in duets, trio, quartets etc. Imagine, it occurred...
Музыка Юрия Корнакова, одного из ведущих петербургских композиторов, завоевывает признание слушателей в России и за рубежом. Его сочинения входят в репертуар многих известных современных музыкантов, печатаются,...
Boris Ivanovich Arkhimandritov (*1932) - the Petersburgian composer, whose creation includes operas, symphonies, cantatas and numerous chamber-vocal and instrumental opuses. This is exactly the modal...
Boris Alexandrovich Arapov (1905-1992) - professor of music, People's Artist of Russia, one of the eldest representatives among the galaxy of Leningrad composers. His creation embraces three operas, seven...
J. S. Bach - Gunoud. Ave Maria
L. Boccerini. Menuet
G. Valentini. Menuet
F. Veracini. Largo
F. Couperin. Pastoral
F. Couperin. Truumpet
J.-M. Lecler. Tambourin
N. Paganini. Menuet
J.-F. Rameau....
L. van Beethoven. MINUET
L. van Beethoven. ADAGIO
L. van Beethoven. ADAGIO
/. Haydn. MINUET
/. Haydn. ALLEGRO
/. Haydn. ADAGIO
W. A. Mozart. MINUET
W. A....
The piece "Moira" appeared in 1995. The Greek word "Moira" itself means "lot, destiny, fate", which every person is given right at the moment of coming into being. The goddess of inevitability is called...
Revelation. For violin, flute and piano
Autumnal Fantasy. For violin, flute and piano
The Balsta Musical Castle. For domras trio and piano
Pardon. For violin, flute and piano
Сергей Петрович Патраманский (р. 1964) - композитор, окончил Уральскую государственную консерваторию им. М. П. Мусоргского (Екатеринбург) по классу композиции профессора А. Н. Нименского, при ней же прошел...
Leonid Rezetdinov (b. 1961) is graduated from SPb Conservatoire where he studied composition under guidance of Maitre B. Tischenko in 1985. Since 1988 he is established composer, the member of Composers...
Yevgeniy Petrov (born in 1973) originates from Severodvinsk. Не graduated from the bayan class of М. P. Filippov and professor О. М. Sharov in 1996, from the composition class at professor Yu. А. Falik...
Vitaly Nikolayevich Karonik (*1945) was born in Leningrad. His gifts of a poet and a composer were revealed already during the years of studying at the music college. The final college exam on conducting...
Илья Грингольц (р. в 1982 году) - молодой петербургский скрипач и композитор, лауреат престижного конкурса "Премия Паганини" в Генуе (Италия), выпускник Джульярдской Высшей школы музыки (Нью-Йорк) по классу...