1. A tsygan idet. Iz k/f "Zhestokij romans". Perelozhenie V. Dulovoj.
2. Ljubov - volshebnaja strana. Iz k/f "Zhestokij romans". Perelozhenie V. Dulovoj
3. A naposledok ja skazhu....
F. Kuhlau. Variations G major
G.F. Handel. Chaconne
I. Haydn. Arietta with Variations
W. A. Mozart. Variations to Allegretto F major
L. van Beethoven. Six Light Variations to the Swiss...
Biograficheskie svedenija o kompozitorakh
1. N. Rimskij-Korsakov. Tema belochki (iz opery "Skazka o tsare Saltane")
2. M. Musorgskij. Gopak (iz opery "Sorochinskaja jarmarka")
3. A....
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading modern Russian composers. His creation embraces actually all the genres. Remember the musical drama "Virineya" (1965-1967) after the novel...
Автор пособия - ученица и последователь Е.В.Коноревой - известного отечественного педагога-ритмиста старшего поколения. Идея органичной связи музыки и движения, лежащая в основе системы швейцарского музыканта...
Prepared to edition and edited by professor A. K. SUKHORUKOV
Vladimir Lvovich Mititello was born in Leningrad in 1933 year. He studied at the distinguished Russian horn-player professor Mikhail Nikolayevich...
This issue is a part of the supposed selected piano works edition of the great German composer Johannes Brams (1833-1897) that is to comprise his most significant pieces for piano solo.
It is based on...
J. S. Bach. Saraband
A. Vivaldi. Larghetto
К. Weber. Rondo
J. Brahms. Contemplation
C. Debussy. The Faun's Midday Rest
С Debussy. Doll's Cakewalk
I. Albeniz. Sevilla
L. Godovsky. Old Vienna
Игорь Аркадьевич Цветков (1935-2000) - заслуженный деятель искусств России, профессор, один из известнейших композиторов Санкт-Петербурга. Он поддерживал контакты и дружбу с огромным числом музыкантов,...
Work on the performance of transcriptions of works by classical composers
Features of the performance of works based on folklore sources
D. Scarlatti. SONATA....