This book tells the story of a young boy living in the old Petersburg, where he studies at a boarding school. Together with the young boy, we become lost in a fairytale, underground kingdom. This magical...
THE LITTLE MAGIC HORSE is a brilliant tale in verse, an everlasting masterpiece in the spirit of Russian folklore and one of unsolved riddles of great Russian literature. This utterly fascinating piece...
Suomalainen arkkitehtuuri on maailmalla tunnettua ja tunnustettua - Aallon, Saarisen ja muiden klassikoiden lisäksi myös nykyarkkitehtuuri, jonka luonnonläheinen ja ekologinen ilme vastaa tämän päivän...
In this book, the early art collecting of the Grand Duchy of Finland is represented as a reflection of the history of art collecting in Russia. Finland absorbed strong influences in the field of collecting...
Kirja avaa ainutlaatuisen mahdollisuuden tutustua uniikkiin pohjoiskreikkalaiseen luostariyhteiskuntaan.
Athoksen niemen vanhimmat luostarit perustettiin jo 900-luvulla, ja bysanttilainen kulttuuri elää...
Tämä venäjän kielen tyyliopas käsittelee stilistiikkaa, kielen funktioita, eri keskustelutyyppejä, tyylien merkityksiä sekä kirjoitetussa että puhutussa kielessä. Kirja sisältää tehtäviä ja kokeita sekä...
Blue Monday is the thrilling first novel in Nicci French's top-ten bestselling killer new series introducing psychotherapist Frieda Klein *** Monday: five-year-old Matthew Faraday is abducted. His face...
Kukotskin tapaus
Ulitskajan teoksiaan ihailevat nykyisin niin yleisö kuin kriitikotkin myös ulkomailla. Hänen teoksiaan on käännetty eri kielille, ja hän on saanut niistä palkintoja ulkomailla ja Venäjällä,...
Finland Strikes Back: Karelian Isthmus
70 years after the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War we have a unique opportunity to see the tragic events of 1941-1945 through the eyes of soldiers and officers...
Lives of cats and men intertwined long ago. People worshiped cats like gods, full of superstition they were afraid of feline luminous eyes in the dark, asked for their help in protecting houses from rodents...
Kukotskin tapaus
Ulitskajan teoksiaan ihailevat nykyisin niin yleisö kuin kriitikotkin myös ulkomailla. Hänen teoksiaan on käännetty eri kielille, ja hän on saanut niistä palkintoja ulkomailla ja Venäjällä,...
Russia is often seen as being beyond comprehension, an enigma. Yet Russia's contemporary realities are firmly rooted in its historical experiences and current and future shallenges - issues that are within...
Ilja Repin oli venäläinen taidemaalari ja akateemikko. Hän syntyi 5. elokuuta 1844 Tsugujevissa, Ukrainassa, Harkovan lähellä ja kuoli 29. syyskuuta 1930 Terijoen Kuokkalassa Suomessa.
Repiniä pidetään...
What is the historical explanation for the birth of the best public libraries in the world? n"Library Spirit in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Historical perspectives" ngives a row of answers. It presents...
Venäjän Suurlähettiläs Alexander Y. Rumyantsev luovutti presidentti Dmitri Medvedevin myöntämän Ystävyyden kunniamerkin historioitsijalle, professori Osmo Jussilalle Venäjän suurlähetystössä pidetyssä...
Russian not only for students 1. Manual for foreign students. (Intermediate level)
The main aim of this manual is the development of speaking skills. Students of I and II certificate levels of Russian...
This edition represents a catalog of the exhibition of Alexander Rodchenko that took place in February April, 2008 at the Hayward Gallery in London. The book has about 120 works of Rodchenko, photos, photomontages,...
Russian for sociologists. Part II
This course is a logical continuation of the course "Russian for sociologists. Part I" by the same authors. The structure and the themes are equivalent to the Part I....
We prepare ourselves to read a text: reading manual.
This manual is designed for foreign students with the basic level of Russian. It includes stories of the modern Russian authors as well as publicistic...
Стильно оформленный подарочный альбом в оригинальном футляре с позолоченным изображением двуглавого орла. Every civilization is unique and chooses its own path. Every culture has its own ways, connected...
Englannin kielellä toimitettu suomen kielen kurssi ulkomaalaisille. Kurssi lähtee alkeista ja sen 25 lukukappaletta on äänitetty. Äänitteen kesto on noin 1,5 tuntia. Sarjaan kuuluu kaksi oppikirjaa, äänitteet...
For many decades, communist ideology concealed the idea of Russia. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russian intellectuals, inheritors of the traditions of the Russian intelligentsia, welcomed the...
Presenting the extraordinary documentary achievement of Max Penson
Gripping photographs portray Uzbekistan's transformation from a medieval social structure to a Soviet Socialistic Republic
This volume is prefaced with two articles. The first article was written by Colonel General Nikolai Baranov, the Head of the Armament Chief Directorate and the Deputy Armament Chief of Armed Forces of...
The Fox D.H.Lawrence has been acclaimed and damned for his extremely honest novel of love. Lady Chatterley's Lover. Thousands have read that once - banned book. Not so with The Fox. This impressive story...
Englannin kielellä toimitettu suomen kielen kurssi ulkomaalaisille. Kurssi lähtee alkeista ja sen 25 lukukappaletta on äänitetty. Äänitteen kesto on noin 1,5 tuntia. Sarjaan kuuluu kaksi oppikirjaa, äänitteet...
Risto Alapuro, Ilkka Liikanen and Markku Lonkila. Are Russia and Estonia still post-Soviet societies? Or have they already moved beyond the transition stage? What is the new, allegedly "normal" condition...
Generally, a dining space reflects the cultural styles and tastes of the region. However, cross-cultural influences, especially that of the west and the other parts of Asia as a result of trade and commerce,...
"Khants' Time" is a history book unlike any other. The source material used in this book is historical in the sense that it was collected a hundred years ago by a Finnish scholar U.T. Sirelius who later...
In this collection of articles Juhani Ihanus gives a plethora of psychological ideas, insights and associations concerning Russian history, society and culture. Psychohistorical issues such as childrearing,...
While most people are familiar with The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, few know that during the last decade of his life Max Weber (1864-1920) also tried to develop a new way of analyzing...
This book is a joint statement by a team of Latvian and Finnish researchers, discussing the Baltic states' foreign policy priorities and the EU and NATO enlargement process. Baltic security issues are...
The author of this book is the well-known Soviet poet and prose writer, Kayum Tangrykuliev. If you and I were to decide to pay him a visit, we would first have to climb aboard a train, or better still,...
Selitä, mikä on Deus ex machina, kuvaa piika, piirrä aikakone. Onko se tarpeeksi helppoa? Mutta entä jos sinulla on vain yksi minuutti aikaa selittää, ja muut pelaajat hämmentävät sinua huutamalla arvauksiaan...
Sergei Trofimov is one of those artists who have gained popularity by hitting the world of Russian official popular music from other musical parties and "not mass" musical genres. A bit romantic, a bit...
Vitas is a Latvian singer known for his unique falsetto. He possesses a five-octave vocal range. His music is often difficult to categorize, incorporating elements of techno, dance, classical, jazz, and...