It is people who do business with each other, not companies. So, this book is meant primarily for people who want to grow the sales, profit and value of their company with the help of personal branding of themselves, their employees and the company's general manager.
This book offers you a very clear, thorough and hands-on tools and step-by-step process for creating your personal brand and developing it.
A strong personal brand helps you to stand out and find customers in whatever field - be it the selling of training courses, business counselling, real estate, B2B sales and export, politics, cooking, personal training, beauty services, designing web pages, training dogs or something completely different that you want to focus on in the future.
If you want to find new customers or grow the sales of the company, your potential customers must associate your personal brand with trust, professionalism and long-term success. Be it your own company or your employer, successful personal branding helps to save on marketing costs and grow the company's sales, profit and value with very simple, yet very effective activities.
In addition, a strong personal brand has other major advantages, such as:
* the growth of turnover and profit
* loyal customers and repeat purchases
* finding new customers
* a rise on the career ladder
* free advertising
* visibility via interviews, blog posts
* invitation to speak and the creation of an expert image
* partnership
* cross-marketing
* standing out among the competitors
* credibility and reliability
The purpose of this book is to help you understand your personal brand in its entirety. We will help you create a clear vision of where, in which direction and why to move. We will draw up a specific action plan for your personal brand so that you can achieve as well as measure your goals.