1. Noter & musik böcker
  2. Noter: Stränginstrument
  3. Noter för cello
  4. Virtuoso Pieces for violoncello and piano. Volume 2. Senior grades of children music schools, colleges, conservatoires

Virtuoso Pieces for violoncello and piano. Volume 2. Senior grades of children music schools, colleges, conservatoires

Давид Поппер. Виртуозные пьесы. Для виолончели и ф-но. Т. 2. Старшие классы ДМШ, училища, консерватории
Virtuoso Pieces for violoncello and piano. Volume 2. Senior grades of children music schools, colleges, conservatoires
9.00 € 5.00 € Reapris 44.44%
4.55 € utan Moms
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SPINNING WHEEL (concert etude)

David Popper (1843-1913) the Czech cellist and composer, one of the most prominent musicians of his epoch. The best ensembles and orchestras of the 19th century were proud of his participation. He was the first to perform Robert Schumann's cello concerto. Popper's pedagogical activity was marked by cello and quartet classes at the Budapest Conservatoire. Simultaneously he toured over Europe, not once he visited Russia. Popper's execution was distinct for enthrilling spirits and agitation peculiar to romanticism. However, this passionate impetuosity was expressed through refined captivating technique, i. e. graceful phrasing and luscious sound.
Popper's creation includes four cello concertos, Requiem for three cellos with orchestra, fantasy to the Ukrainian songs, numerous compositions for cello solo and chamber ensembles.
The offered collection is compiled of Popper's pieces for cello and piano. The pieces are distributed among three issues according to the gradual increasing technical skill. Therefore they would be useful for different steps of education - from music schools to conservatoires.
SPINNING WHEEL (concert etude)

David Popper (1843-1913) the Czech cellist and composer, one of the most prominent musicians of his epoch. The best ensembles and orchestras of the 19th century were proud of his participation. He was the first to perform Robert Schumann's cello concerto. Popper's pedagogical activity was marked by cello and quartet classes at the Budapest Conservatoire. Simultaneously he toured over Europe, not once he visited Russia. Popper's execution was distinct for enthrilling spirits and agitation peculiar to romanticism. However, this passionate impetuosity was expressed through refined captivating technique, i. e. graceful phrasing and luscious sound.
Popper's creation includes four cello concertos, Requiem for three cellos with orchestra, fantasy to the Ukrainian songs, numerous compositions for cello solo and chamber ensembles.
The offered collection is compiled of Popper's pieces for cello and piano. The pieces are distributed among three issues according to the gradual increasing technical skill. Therefore they would be useful for different steps of education - from music schools to conservatoires.

ПРЯЛКА (концертный этюд)

Давид Поппер (1843-1913) - чешский виолончелист и композитор, один из крупнейших музыкантов своего времени. Играл в лучших ансамблях и с лучшими оркестрами XIX века, первым исполнил виолончельный концерт Роберта Шумана. Долгое время Поппер руководил виолончельным и квартетным классами в Будапештской консерватории, активно гастролировал по Европе, неоднократно выступал в России. Его игра захватывала романтической приподнятостью, взволнованностью, полнотой чувств, отличалась красивым, сочным тоном, выразительностью и изяществом фразировки, блестящей, виртуозной и в то же время элегантной техникой. Его перу принадлежат четыре виолончельных концерта, Реквием для трех виолончелей с оркестром, Фантазия на темы украинских песен, множество сочинений для солирующей виолончели и камерных ансамблей.
В настоящий сборник вошли пьесы для виолончели с фортепиано. Пьесы распределены в сборниках с постепенным увеличением технических трудностей и рекомендуются учащимся старших классов детских музыкальных школ и музыкальных училищ, а также студентам консерваторий.

PRJALKA (kontsertnyj etjud)

David Popper (1843-1913) - cheshskij violonchelist i kompozitor, odin iz krupnejshikh muzykantov svoego vremeni. Igral v luchshikh ansambljakh i s luchshimi orkestrami XIX veka, pervym ispolnil violonchelnyj kontsert Roberta Shumana. Dolgoe vremja Popper rukovodil violonchelnym i kvartetnym klassami v Budapeshtskoj konservatorii, aktivno gastroliroval po Evrope, neodnokratno vystupal v Rossii. Ego igra zakhvatyvala romanticheskoj pripodnjatostju, vzvolnovannostju, polnotoj chuvstv, otlichalas krasivym, sochnym tonom, vyrazitelnostju i izjaschestvom frazirovki, blestjaschej, virtuoznoj i v to zhe vremja elegantnoj tekhnikoj. Ego peru prinadlezhat chetyre violonchelnykh kontserta, Rekviem dlja trekh violonchelej s orkestrom, Fantazija na temy ukrainskikh pesen, mnozhestvo sochinenij dlja solirujuschej violoncheli i kamernykh ansamblej.
V nastojaschij sbornik voshli pesy dlja violoncheli s fortepiano. Pesy raspredeleny v sbornikakh s postepennym uvelicheniem tekhnicheskikh trudnostej i rekomendujutsja uchaschimsja starshikh klassov detskikh muzykalnykh shkol i muzykalnykh uchilisch, a takzhe studentam konservatorij.
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