Yuri FALIK (1936–2009) was the disciple of the acknowledged Stolyarsky music school in Odessa. Studying in the Leningrad conservatoire he acquired two specialities: cello (prof. A. Strimer) and composition (prof. B. Arapov). Post-graduate education (M. Rostropovich). Falik was a professor of composition and instrumentation perfoming as a conductor all over the Russian cities and abroad. Among his creations there are many opuses of diverse genres. Numerous chamber and choral compositions by Falik are perpetually.
Performed all over the world by the European and American ensembles and choral groups. Such conductors as Ye. Svetlanov, G. Rozhdestvensky, M. Janssons, V. Gergiev, A. Dmitriyev, V. Yampolsky (USA), M. di Bonaventura (USA), S. Edwards (UK) included Falik’s symphony compositions to their repertoire.
The cycle “Book of Canzonas” is based on the mostly refined, graceful and sparkling with humour poems by the European poets of the 11th-17th centuries. Some of them were the contemporaries of Claudio Monteverdi, author of the “Book of Madrigals”; some were living simultaneously with brilliant actor and comedy-writer Jean-Baptiste Moli? re.
The Book of Canzonas is essentially the instrumental music for choir. This is the kind of a miniature action, buffoonery of jugglers and strolling musicians. Such performances were acted on the European cities' squares rising genuine ecstasy and rapture.
The cycle “Book of Canzonas” is based on the mostly refined, graceful and sparkling with humour poems by the European poets of the 11th-17th centuries. Some of them were the contemporaries of Claudio Monteverdi, author of the “Book of Madrigals”; some were living simultaneously with brilliant actor and comedy-writer Jean-Baptiste Moli? re. The Book of Canzonas is essentially the instrumental music for choir. This is the kind of a miniature action, buffoonery of jugglers and strolling musicians. Such performances were acted on the European cities' squares rising genuine ecstasy and rapture.
1. To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time. Verses by R. Herrick (England). Translated by A. Sendyk
2. Nightingale. Verses by F. de Lamene (Italy). Translated by A. Parin
3. Skinflint's Testament. Verses by S. Lomnicky (Czechia). Translated by Yu.Vronsky
4. Fruitful Age. Verses by V. Voiture (France). Translated by Yu. Denisov
5. Alba (Dawn Song). From the old Proven? al poetry of the 11th century. Translated by V. Dynnik
6. Sing Joy to Love! Verses by Th. Campion (England). Translated by G. Rusakov
Yuri FALIK (1936–2009) was the disciple of the acknowledged Stolyarsky music school in Odessa. Studying in the Leningrad conservatoire he acquired two specialities: cello (prof. A. Strimer) and composition (prof. B. Arapov). Post-graduate education (M. Rostropovich). Falik was a professor of composition and instrumentation perfoming as a conductor all over the Russian cities and abroad. Among his creations there are many opuses of diverse genres. Numerous chamber and choral compositions by Falik are perpetually.
Performed all over the world by the European and American ensembles and choral groups. Such conductors as Ye. Svetlanov, G. Rozhdestvensky, M. Janssons, V. Gergiev, A. Dmitriyev, V. Yampolsky (USA), M. di Bonaventura (USA), S. Edwards (UK) included Falik’s symphony compositions to their repertoire.
The cycle “Book of Canzonas” is based on the mostly refined, graceful and sparkling with humour poems by the European poets of the 11th-17th centuries. Some of them were the contemporaries of Claudio Monteverdi, author of the “Book of Madrigals”; some were living simultaneously with brilliant actor and comedy-writer Jean-Baptiste Moli? re.
The Book of Canzonas is essentially the instrumental music for choir. This is the kind of a miniature action, buffoonery of jugglers and strolling musicians. Such performances were acted on the European cities' squares rising genuine ecstasy and rapture.
The cycle “Book of Canzonas” is based on the mostly refined, graceful and sparkling with humour poems by the European poets of the 11th-17th centuries. Some of them were the contemporaries of Claudio Monteverdi, author of the “Book of Madrigals”; some were living simultaneously with brilliant actor and comedy-writer Jean-Baptiste Moli? re. The Book of Canzonas is essentially the instrumental music for choir. This is the kind of a miniature action, buffoonery of jugglers and strolling musicians. Such performances were acted on the European cities' squares rising genuine ecstasy and rapture.
1. To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time. Verses by R. Herrick (England). Translated by A. Sendyk
2. Nightingale. Verses by F. de Lamene (Italy). Translated by A. Parin
3. Skinflint's Testament. Verses by S. Lomnicky (Czechia). Translated by Yu.Vronsky
4. Fruitful Age. Verses by V. Voiture (France). Translated by Yu. Denisov
5. Alba (Dawn Song). From the old Proven? al poetry of the 11th century. Translated by V. Dynnik
6. Sing Joy to Love! Verses by Th. Campion (England). Translated by G. Rusakov
Юрий Александрович ФАЛИК (1936–2009). Учился в Музыкальной школе имени П. С. Столярского в Одессе. Выпускник Ленинградской консерватории по классам виолончели (проф. А. Штример) и композиции (проф. Б. Арапов). Окончил аспирантуру по классу М. Ростроповича.
Профессор Ю. Фалик вел в Санкт-Петербургской консерватории классы сочинения и инструментовки. Выступал как дирижер в разных городах России и за рубежом.
В творческом наследии композитора представлены произведения самых разных жанров. Многие камерные и хоровые сочинения Юрия Фалика исполняются российскими и зарубежными ансамблями и хоровыми коллективами, симфонические произведения включали в свой репертуар дирижеры Е. Светланов, Г. Рождественский, М. Янсонс, В. Гергиев, А. Дмитриев, В. Ямпольский (США), М. ди Бонавентура (США), Ш. Эдвардс (Великобритания).
В основу "Книги канцон" легли полные изящества, озорства и блеска стихи европейских поэтов XI–XVII веков. Они были современниками Клаудио Монтеверди, перу которого принадлежат неувядающие "Книги мадригалов", и великого комедиографа и актера Жана Батиста Мольера. "Книга канцон", по существу, — инструментальная музыка для хора. Это миниатюрный спектакль, игра, театр уличных комиков, жонглеров, бродячих музыкантов. Такие представления разыгрывались на площадях европейских городов и вызывали неподдельный восторг зрителей.
1. Совет девушкам. Стихи Р. Геррика (Англия). Перевод А. Сендыка
2. Соловей. Стихи Ф. де Ламене (Италия). Перевод А. Парина
3. Завещание скряги. Стихи Ш. Ломницкого (Чехия). Перевод Ю. Вронского
4. Год урожайный. Стихи В. Вуатюра (Франция). Перевод Ю. Денисова
5. Альба (Песнь рассвета). Из старопровансальской поэзии XI века. Перевод В. Дынник
6. Благословим любовь! Стихи Т. Кэмпиона (Англия). Перевод Г. Русакова
Jurij Aleksandrovich FALIK (1936–2009). Uchilsja v Muzykalnoj shkole imeni P. S. Stoljarskogo v Odesse. Vypusknik Leningradskoj konservatorii po klassam violoncheli (prof. A. Shtrimer) i kompozitsii (prof. B. Arapov). Okonchil aspiranturu po klassu M. Rostropovicha.
Professor Ju. Falik vel v Sankt-Peterburgskoj konservatorii klassy sochinenija i instrumentovki. Vystupal kak dirizher v raznykh gorodakh Rossii i za rubezhom.
V tvorcheskom nasledii kompozitora predstavleny proizvedenija samykh raznykh zhanrov. Mnogie kamernye i khorovye sochinenija Jurija Falika ispolnjajutsja rossijskimi i zarubezhnymi ansambljami i khorovymi kollektivami, simfonicheskie proizvedenija vkljuchali v svoj repertuar dirizhery E. Svetlanov, G. Rozhdestvenskij, M. Jansons, V. Gergiev, A. Dmitriev, V. Jampolskij (SSHA), M. di Bonaventura (SSHA), Sh. Edvards (Velikobritanija).
V osnovu "Knigi kantson" legli polnye izjaschestva, ozorstva i bleska stikhi evropejskikh poetov XI–XVII vekov. Oni byli sovremennikami Klaudio Monteverdi, peru kotorogo prinadlezhat neuvjadajuschie "Knigi madrigalov", i velikogo komediografa i aktera Zhana Batista Molera. "Kniga kantson", po suschestvu, — instrumentalnaja muzyka dlja khora. Eto miniatjurnyj spektakl, igra, teatr ulichnykh komikov, zhonglerov, brodjachikh muzykantov. Takie predstavlenija razygryvalis na ploschadjakh evropejskikh gorodov i vyzyvali nepoddelnyj vostorg zritelej.
1. Sovet devushkam. Stikhi R. Gerrika (Anglija). Perevod A. Sendyka
2. Solovej. Stikhi F. de Lamene (Italija). Perevod A. Parina
3. Zaveschanie skrjagi. Stikhi Sh. Lomnitskogo (Chekhija). Perevod Ju. Vronskogo
4. God urozhajnyj. Stikhi V. Vuatjura (Frantsija). Perevod Ju. Denisova
5. Alba (Pesn rassveta). Iz staroprovansalskoj poezii XI veka. Perevod V. Dynnik
6. Blagoslovim ljubov! Stikhi T. Kempiona (Anglija). Perevod G. Rusakova