145 mm x 205 mm
Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) - the Austrian composer, belonging to the galaxy of the Viennese classics. Among his opuses there are over one hundred symphonies.
12 London symphonies are the apex of Haydn's creations. The scores were made for two concert tours to the capital of England, organized after Prince Nicolas Eszterhazy had died and his Kapelle (where the composer served) had been dismissed. According to the agreement with the London entrepreneur Peter Saloman Haydn was to conduct several concerts during each tour (end of 1790-1792, 1794-1796) and to compose six symphonies for each tour (and opera during the first tour). Thus Haydn got in his disposal but not only professional orchestras, some of them included 40-50 performers - too grandiose for those days.
The Symphony No. 101 D major belongs to the second series of the London symphonies, dating 1793-1795. This symphony was named "Clock" (the title was not invented by the author) because of the monotonous droning accompaniment (ticking clock) in the second movement.
Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) - the Austrian composer, belonging to the galaxy of the Viennese classics. Among his opuses there are over one hundred symphonies.
12 London symphonies are the apex of Haydn's creations. The scores were made for two concert tours to the capital of England, organized after Prince Nicolas Eszterhazy had died and his Kapelle (where the composer served) had been dismissed. According to the agreement with the London entrepreneur Peter Saloman Haydn was to conduct several concerts during each tour (end of 1790-1792, 1794-1796) and to compose six symphonies for each tour (and opera during the first tour). Thus Haydn got in his disposal but not only professional orchestras, some of them included 40-50 performers - too grandiose for those days.
The Symphony No. 101 D major belongs to the second series of the London symphonies, dating 1793-1795. This symphony was named "Clock" (the title was not invented by the author) because of the monotonous droning accompaniment (ticking clock) in the second movement.
145 mm x 205 mm
Йозеф Гайдн (1732-1809), австрийский композитор, один из крупнейших мастеров венской классической школы, написал свыше 100 симфоний.
12 Лондонских симфоний - вершинное достижение композитора в симфоническом творчестве. Эти двенадцать партитур были созданы Гайдном после смерти князя Н. Эстергази, на службе у которого состоял композитор, и роспуска капеллы для двух концертных поездок в столицу Англии. По условиям контракта с лондонским антрепренером Петером Саломоном композитор в каждом из гастрольных путешествий (1790-1792, 1794-1796 годы) должен был продирижировать рядом концертов, а также написать по шесть симфоний (в первую же поездку - еще и оперу). В распоряжении Гайдна оказались не только высокопрофессиональные, но и необычно большие по тем временам симфонические коллективы - оркестры включали по 40-50 исполнителей.
Симфония No. 101 Ре мажор принадлежит ко второй серии Лондонских симфоний, появившейся в течение 1793-1795 годов. Со временем она получила в исполнительской, а затем и в слушательской среде название "Часы" из-за равномерного однообразного движения сопровождения ("тиканья часов") во второй части.
145 mm x 205 mm
Jozef Gajdn (1732-1809), avstrijskij kompozitor, odin iz krupnejshikh masterov venskoj klassicheskoj shkoly, napisal svyshe 100 simfonij.
12 Londonskikh simfonij - vershinnoe dostizhenie kompozitora v simfonicheskom tvorchestve. Eti dvenadtsat partitur byli sozdany Gajdnom posle smerti knjazja N. Estergazi, na sluzhbe u kotorogo sostojal kompozitor, i rospuska kapelly dlja dvukh kontsertnykh poezdok v stolitsu Anglii. Po uslovijam kontrakta s londonskim antreprenerom Peterom Salomonom kompozitor v kazhdom iz gastrolnykh puteshestvij (1790-1792, 1794-1796 gody) dolzhen byl prodirizhirovat rjadom kontsertov, a takzhe napisat po shest simfonij (v pervuju zhe poezdku - esche i operu). V rasporjazhenii Gajdna okazalis ne tolko vysokoprofessionalnye, no i neobychno bolshie po tem vremenam simfonicheskie kollektivy - orkestry vkljuchali po 40-50 ispolnitelej.
Simfonija No. 101 Re mazhor prinadlezhit ko vtoroj serii Londonskikh simfonij, pojavivshejsja v techenie 1793-1795 godov. So vremenem ona poluchila v ispolnitelskoj, a zatem i v slushatelskoj srede nazvanie "Chasy" iz-za ravnomernogo odnoobraznogo dvizhenija soprovozhdenija ("tikanja chasov") vo vtoroj chasti.