1. Noter & musik böcker
  2. Noter för träblåsare och saxofon
  3. Noter för klarinett
  4. Six Variations to the Bacchanalian Song. For clarinet in B and piano. Piano score and part

Six Variations to the Bacchanalian Song. For clarinet in B and piano. Piano score and part

Шесть вариаций на застольную тему. Для кларнета in B и фортепиано. Клавир и партия
Six Variations to the Bacchanalian Song. For clarinet in B and piano. Piano score and part
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9.00 € 8.18 € utan Moms
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Alexander Chaikovsky (born Moscow, 19 February 1946), the Russian composer, People's Artist of Russia, graduate of the Moscow Conservatoire, where he studied at the great pianists Henrich Neygauz and Lev Naumov. Composition became his passion already during the years of education; therefore Chaikovsky was admitted to the class of the composer Tikhon Khrennikov, where his post-graduate studying was completed later. The First Prize at the International "Hollybush Festival" of composers (USA) was given to Alexander Chaikovsky.
The list of his opuses is diverse indeed. The composer embraces actually all the possible genres of the academic music, including the operas, ballets, oratorios. Just remember his "Russian Requiem" to the verses by Tyutchev, Yesenin, Blok, Brodsky, Zabolotsky and David's psalm, so as four symphonies, instrumental concertos, choral and vocal opuses, chamber music.
Chaikovsky is also the master of "light music". His musical "The Sinner", operette "Country Lady" and cinema music are the patterns of this genre.
Alexander Chaikovsky (born Moscow, 19 February 1946), the Russian composer, People's Artist of Russia, graduate of the Moscow Conservatoire, where he studied at the great pianists Henrich Neygauz and Lev Naumov. Composition became his passion already during the years of education; therefore Chaikovsky was admitted to the class of the composer Tikhon Khrennikov, where his post-graduate studying was completed later. The First Prize at the International "Hollybush Festival" of composers (USA) was given to Alexander Chaikovsky.
The list of his opuses is diverse indeed. The composer embraces actually all the possible genres of the academic music, including the operas, ballets, oratorios. Just remember his "Russian Requiem" to the verses by Tyutchev, Yesenin, Blok, Brodsky, Zabolotsky and David's psalm, so as four symphonies, instrumental concertos, choral and vocal opuses, chamber music.
Chaikovsky is also the master of "light music". His musical "The Sinner", operette "Country Lady" and cinema music are the patterns of this genre.
Народный артист России профессор Александр Владимирович Чайковский родился 19 февраля 1946 года в Москве. Окончил Московскую консерваторию по классу фортепиано, занимаясь у великих педагогов - Генриха Нейгауза и Льва Наумова. Во время обучения увлекся композицией и был принят в класс Тихона Хренникова, у которого закончил аспирантуру. Завоевал первую премию на Международном конкурсе композиторов "Hollybush Festival" (США).
Спектр сочинений А. Чайковского многообразен. Композитор в своем творчестве охватывает практически все основные жанры академической музыки: им написаны оперы, балеты, оратории, в том числе "Русский Реквием" на стихи Тютчева, Есенина, Блока, Бродского, Заболоцкого и псалом Давида; четыре симфонии, инструментальные концерты, хоровые и вокальные произведения, камерная музыка. Активно работает Александр Чайковский и в жанрах "легкой музыки": примером тому мюзикл "Греховодник", оперетта "Провинциалка", музыка к кино- и телефильмам.
Narodnyj artist Rossii professor Aleksandr Vladimirovich Chajkovskij rodilsja 19 fevralja 1946 goda v Moskve. Okonchil Moskovskuju konservatoriju po klassu fortepiano, zanimajas u velikikh pedagogov - Genrikha Nejgauza i Lva Naumova. Vo vremja obuchenija uvleksja kompozitsiej i byl prinjat v klass Tikhona Khrennikova, u kotorogo zakonchil aspiranturu. Zavoeval pervuju premiju na Mezhdunarodnom konkurse kompozitorov "Hollybush Festival" (SSHA).
Spektr sochinenij A. Chajkovskogo mnogoobrazen. Kompozitor v svoem tvorchestve okhvatyvaet prakticheski vse osnovnye zhanry akademicheskoj muzyki: im napisany opery, balety, oratorii, v tom chisle "Russkij Rekviem" na stikhi Tjutcheva, Esenina, Bloka, Brodskogo, Zabolotskogo i psalom Davida; chetyre simfonii, instrumentalnye kontserty, khorovye i vokalnye proizvedenija, kamernaja muzyka. Aktivno rabotaet Aleksandr Chajkovskij i v zhanrakh "legkoj muzyki": primerom tomu mjuzikl "Grekhovodnik", operetta "Provintsialka", muzyka k kino- i telefilmam.
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