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  4. Lyrical Concertino for viola and orchestra. Piano score and part

Lyrical Concertino for viola and orchestra. Piano score and part

Лирическое концертино для альта с оркестром. Клавир и партия
Lyrical Concertino for viola and orchestra. Piano score and part
9.00 € 8.18 € utan Moms
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Yuri FALIK (1936-2009) was the disciple of the acknowledged Stolyarsky music school in Odessa. Studying in the Leningrad conservatoire he acquired two specialities: cello (prof. A. Strimer) and composition (prof. B. Arapov). Post-graduate education (M. Rostropovich). Falik was a professor of composition and instrumentation perfoming as a conductor all over the Russian cities and abroad. Among his creations there are many opuses of diverse genres. Numerous chamber and choral compositions by Falik are perpetually.
Performed all over the world by the European and American ensembles and choral groups. Such conductors as Ye. Svetlanov, G. Rozhdestvensky, M. Janssons, V. Gergiev, A. Dmitriyev, V. Yampolsky (USA), M. di Bonaventura (USA), S. Edwards (UK) included Falik's symphony compositions to their repertoire.
The "Lyrical Concertino" was composed as the dedication to the St. Petersburg tercentenary having been conceived initially as the canvas of two movements for violoncello and orchestra. The premi? re was supposed to take place right at the celebration. The young gifted student prepared its presentation. However, it was doomed to be cancelled because of unexpected reasons.
Once in summer, 2005, I returned to this composition. The additional movement appeared, something was revised, while the solo part was given to viola, which is not in good books of the contemporary composers.
Yuri FALIK (1936-2009) was the disciple of the acknowledged Stolyarsky music school in Odessa. Studying in the Leningrad conservatoire he acquired two specialities: cello (prof. A. Strimer) and composition (prof. B. Arapov). Post-graduate education (M. Rostropovich). Falik was a professor of composition and instrumentation perfoming as a conductor all over the Russian cities and abroad. Among his creations there are many opuses of diverse genres. Numerous chamber and choral compositions by Falik are perpetually.
Performed all over the world by the European and American ensembles and choral groups. Such conductors as Ye. Svetlanov, G. Rozhdestvensky, M. Janssons, V. Gergiev, A. Dmitriyev, V. Yampolsky (USA), M. di Bonaventura (USA), S. Edwards (UK) included Falik's symphony compositions to their repertoire.
The "Lyrical Concertino" was composed as the dedication to the St. Petersburg tercentenary having been conceived initially as the canvas of two movements for violoncello and orchestra. The premi? re was supposed to take place right at the celebration. The young gifted student prepared its presentation. However, it was doomed to be cancelled because of unexpected reasons.
Once in summer, 2005, I returned to this composition. The additional movement appeared, something was revised, while the solo part was given to viola, which is not in good books of the contemporary composers.
Юрий Александрович ФАЛИК (1936-2009). Учился в Музыкальной школе имени П. С. Столярского в Одессе. Выпускник Ленинградской консерватории по классам виолончели (проф. А. Штример) и композиции (проф. Б. Арапов). Окончил аспирантуру по классу М. Ростроповича.
Профессор Ю. Фалик вел в Санкт-Петербургской консерватории классы сочинения и инструментовки. Выступал как дирижер в разных городах России и за рубежом.
В творческом наследии композитора представлены произведения самых разных жанров. Многие камерные и хоровые сочинения Юрия Фалика исполняются российскими и зарубежными ансамблями и хоровыми коллективами, симфонические произведения включали в свой репертуар дирижеры Е. Светланов, Г. Рождественский, М. Янсонс, В. Гергиев, А. Дмитриев, В. Ямпольский (США), М. ди Бонавентура (США), Ш. Эдвардс (Великобритания).
"Лирическое концертино" было написано по случаю 300-летия Санкт-Петербурга и первоначально задумывалось как двухчастное сочинение для виолончели с оркестром. Предполагалось исполнение его в дни юбилейных торжеств юным талантливым музыкантом, учеником детской музыкальной школы. Однако по разным причинам исполнение тогда не состоялось. Летом 2005 года композитор вернулся к этому сочинению, дописав одну часть, многое значительно переработав, поручив сольную партию альту.
Jurij Aleksandrovich FALIK (1936-2009). Uchilsja v Muzykalnoj shkole imeni P. S. Stoljarskogo v Odesse. Vypusknik Leningradskoj konservatorii po klassam violoncheli (prof. A. Shtrimer) i kompozitsii (prof. B. Arapov). Okonchil aspiranturu po klassu M. Rostropovicha.
Professor Ju. Falik vel v Sankt-Peterburgskoj konservatorii klassy sochinenija i instrumentovki. Vystupal kak dirizher v raznykh gorodakh Rossii i za rubezhom.
V tvorcheskom nasledii kompozitora predstavleny proizvedenija samykh raznykh zhanrov. Mnogie kamernye i khorovye sochinenija Jurija Falika ispolnjajutsja rossijskimi i zarubezhnymi ansambljami i khorovymi kollektivami, simfonicheskie proizvedenija vkljuchali v svoj repertuar dirizhery E. Svetlanov, G. Rozhdestvenskij, M. Jansons, V. Gergiev, A. Dmitriev, V. Jampolskij (SSHA), M. di Bonaventura (SSHA), Sh. Edvards (Velikobritanija).
"Liricheskoe kontsertino" bylo napisano po sluchaju 300-letija Sankt-Peterburga i pervonachalno zadumyvalos kak dvukhchastnoe sochinenie dlja violoncheli s orkestrom. Predpolagalos ispolnenie ego v dni jubilejnykh torzhestv junym talantlivym muzykantom, uchenikom detskoj muzykalnoj shkoly. Odnako po raznym prichinam ispolnenie togda ne sostojalos. Letom 2005 goda kompozitor vernulsja k etomu sochineniju, dopisav odnu chast, mnogoe znachitelno pererabotav, poruchiv solnuju partiju altu.
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