Valery Aleksandrovich Gavrilin (1939-1999) is the distinguished Russian composer, having lived in the last third of the 20th century. His creative work is considered to be the kind of brilliant and original side of the world music art. Gavrilin's music style may be recognized at once, it has imitators. Gavrilin's music wins the hearts by its natural melodic sphere, modern national colouring, cordiality and sincerity, deep heartfelt compassion to the common people's troubles and aspirations. This music is fine and serious, it's smiling and sad, it's intimately trusty with the kind of a grand soul inside it.
Valery Aleksandrovich Gavrilin (1939-1999) is the distinguished Russian composer, having lived in the last third of the 20th century. His creative work is considered to be the kind of brilliant and original side of the world music art. Gavrilin's music style may be recognized at once, it has imitators. Gavrilin's music wins the hearts by its natural melodic sphere, modern national colouring, cordiality and sincerity, deep heartfelt compassion to the common people's troubles and aspirations. This music is fine and serious, it's smiling and sad, it's intimately trusty with the kind of a grand soul inside it.
Валерий Гаврилин (1939-1999) - один из самых ярких и самобытных русских композиторов второй половины XX века, автор симфонической, хоровой, сценической, камерно-инструментальной и вокальной музыки.
Предлагаемый цикл - это четыре романса (Зима, Весна, Лето, Осень) на народные слова, а также на стихи Сергея Есенина и Александра Твардовского. В них в полной мере проявляется характерный вокальный стиль Гаврилина со свойственными ему меланхолией, тоской по старорусскому жизненному укладу, генетической близостью народному песенному творчеству.
Valerij Gavrilin (1939-1999) - odin iz samykh jarkikh i samobytnykh russkikh kompozitorov vtoroj poloviny XX veka, avtor simfonicheskoj, khorovoj, stsenicheskoj, kamerno-instrumentalnoj i vokalnoj muzyki.
Predlagaemyj tsikl - eto chetyre romansa (Zima, Vesna, Leto, Osen) na narodnye slova, a takzhe na stikhi Sergeja Esenina i Aleksandra Tvardovskogo. V nikh v polnoj mere projavljaetsja kharakternyj vokalnyj stil Gavrilina so svojstvennymi emu melankholiej, toskoj po starorusskomu zhiznennomu ukladu, geneticheskoj blizostju narodnomu pesennomu tvorchestvu.