Sir Henry Rider Haggard was an English writer of adventure novels set largely in Africa, and a founder of the Lost World literary genre. His stories, situated at the lighter end of Victorian literature,...
Африка, первая половина XIX века. Дар ясновидения тяжким бременем пал на плечи Рейчел Доув, дочери сурового английского миссионера. Страшный сон, из которого она узнала, что может повелевать жизнью и смертью,...
Чему быть, того не миновать. После четырнадцати лет службы в британской армии капитан Джон Нил решает уйти на покой и начать новую жизнь в качестве фермера в африканской глубинке. Но кто знает, что будет...
Роман классика приключенческой литературы Генри Райдера Хаггарда АЛЛАН КВОТЕРМЕЙН - история о захватывающих приключениях отважных путешественников, попавших в затерянный мир в сердце еще не исследованной...
Роман классика английской приключенческой литературы Генри Хаггарда "Она" посвящен судьбе экспедиции белых англичан в Центральную Африку. Герои попадают в земли загадочной Аэши, властительницы племени...
Апрель 1877 года, Южная Африка. Аллан Квотсрмейн, охотившийся неподалеку от Лиденбурга, поддавшись своей главной слабости - любопытству, решает заехать в Преторию, где, по слухам, готовится одно большое...
This novel takes place in ancient Egypt. The hero, prince Rames, goes through many challenges and daring encounters to win his way through to the woman he loved with all his heart and the recognition that...
Haggard's faith-fortifying novel is a delicious blend of stirring events, captivating characters, and historical detail. The story is about the destruction of Jerusalem, about first-century life as they...
Sir Henry Rider Haggard was an English writer of adventure novels set in exotic locations, predominantly Africa, and the creator of the Lost World literary genre.The novel narrates the events of the Biblical...
The author of adventures as King Solomon's Mines and She turns to domestic drama in this romance. Joan is a shop girl of illegitimate birth a single mother at the same time. Torn from the love of country-dwelling...
This is a tale of adventure and derring-do set in the time of King Henry VIII and the pilgrimage of grace. This was the period when King Henry was rebelling against Pope Clement VII, and when many Englishmen...
Jess Croft lives with sister Bessie and old Silas, a farmer raising ostriches on the great Transvaal veldt. He is a reserved and aloof, with a quietness about her brought on by the misfortunes of her young...
Stella Fregelius is a story of the overlapping fates of 3 people in a northern coastal region of England. The story follows Morris Monk, an aspiring inventor, as he gets engaged to his fi rst cousin, Mary...
Henry Rider Haggard was an English writer, largely of adventure fiction, but also of non-fiction. The eighth child of a Norfolk barrister and squire, through family connections he gained employment with...
Philip Caresfoot is all but promised to marry the local heiress, Maria Lee. They are both to inherit small fortunes in their own right. And thus their marriages to each other would make an ever wealthier...
Бесстрашный охотник Аллан Квотермейн по прозвищу Макумазан, что означает "человек, который встает после полуночи", никогда не любил сырости и чопорности родной Англии, предпочитая жаркий пыльный простор...
An autobiography of Henry Rider Haggard, an English writer, largely of adventure fi ction. He was also involved in agricultural reform throughout the British Empire. His stories, situated at the lighter...
Cetywayo and His White Neighbours is a 1882 non-fiction book by Henry Rider Haggard. It was based on his time working in South Africa.Sir Henry Rider Haggard was an English writer of adventure novels set...
Allan Quatermain is confronted with the legend of the Heu-Heu, a monster who eats humans, while sheltering from a thunderstorm in the Drakensberg mountains. The legend appears to be reality as Quatermain...
While Quartermain visits Lord Randall, two foreigners come asking for Macumazana - that is, asking for Allan Quartermain by the name he used among the Africans. The two visitors are Harut and Marut, priests...
Olaf, a Norseman in the eighth century A.D., flees his homeland after challenging the Norse god Odin's right to a human sacrifice, travels to Constantinople to protect the Empress Irene Augusta from her...
Colonel Quaritch is an impoverished nobleman, who is looking for the family jewels of his bride - the "treasure de la Moley". He moves to the house of his late aunt in the village of Honhem and soon becomes...
The last novel written by Haggard; finished just before his death and published posthumously. Ramose is the offspring of an Egyptian Pharaoh and a Greek woman. Brought up in a life of luxury he is catapulted...
Wanting to learn if he can communicate with deceased the children, adventurer Allan Quatermain seeks a meeting with the feared Zulu witch-doctor Zikali. He tells Allan he must seek out the great white...
She is the story of Cambridge professor Horace Holly and his ward Leo Vincey, and their journey to a lost kingdom in the African interior. The journey is triggered by a mysterious package left to Leo by...
Brother John, who has been living in Africa for many years, gives Allan Quatermain the largest orchid he has ever seen. Later, in England, he has a meeting with Mr. Somers, an orchid collector who is prepaired...
The Virgin of the Sun is a novel by H. Rider Haggard set in South America.A tale that deals with the marvellous Incas of Peru; with the legend also that, long before the Spanish Conquerors entered on their...
The Witch's Head is the second novel by H Rider Haggard, which he wrote just prior to King Solomon's Mines. Zulu magic comes to the British Fenlands, as the severed head of a sorcerer casts a spell from...
Nada the Lily is the thrilling story of the brave Zulu warrior Umslopogaas and his love for the most beautiful of Zulu women, Nada the Lily. Young Umslopogaas, son of the bloodthirsty Zulu king Chaka,...
The young Godfrey Knight, the son of a puritanical parson, who lives in the Essex countryside. From childhood on, he and his neighbor, Isobel Blake, the daughter of a wealthy, boorish shipping magnate,...
A young man named Rupert Ullershaw falls in a love with the wife of his much older cousin, Lord Devene. The woman commits suicide, and the young Rupert promises his mother to henceforward "follow The Way...
Наверное, никто так сильно не любил свой дом, как Одиссей, сын Лаэрта. Он побывал в неведомых странах, переносился в Царство теней и снов. О первых его странствиях знает весь мир. Но без радости встретила...
В новый том иллюстрированных сочинений Г.Р.Хаггарда входят два остросюжетных романа о викторианской Англии, вызвавшие серьезный резонанс у современников писателя, - "Завещание мистера Мизона" и "Беатрис".Первый...
The story is set in the Ptolemaic era of ancient Egyptian history and revolves around the survival of a dynasty bloodline protected by the Priesthood of Isis. The main character Harmachis is charged by...
King Solomon's Mines tells of a search of an unexplored region of Africa by a group of adventurers led by Allan Quatermain for the missing brother of one of the party. It is the first English adventure...
I век до н. э. Египет под пятой Птолемеев, наследников империи Александра Македонского, но в сердцах истинных детей Нила живет мечта о божественном правителе. Тяжкое бремя ложится на плечи молодого потомка...
Роман "Она: история приключения" был написан Хаггардом на волне успеха "Копий царя Соломона". В основу романа легли воспоминания автора о своих путешествиях по Африке и знания древних местных легенд. Трое...
В тихой сельской глуши служит неприметный приходской священник Томас Оуэн. Его размеренную жизнь нарушает приезд миссионера, который поведал Оуэну о суровом туземном племени, обитающем в глубине Черного...
Задолго до Индианы Джонса существовал Алан Квотермэйн: настоящий авантюрист, исследователь и охотник за сокровищами. Книги об Алане Квотермэйне покоряют читателей всех возрастов, вдохновив множество подражателей...
Февраль 1346 года. Англия и Франция ведут войну, которую хронисты впоследствии назовут Столетней. Пока хитрый враг, как и лютый мороз, пытается заключить Туманный Альбион в свои крепкие объятия, на другом...