The most commonly used 510 Russian verbs are arranged alphabetically in a table format, one verb per page with English pronunciation and translation. Verbs are fully conjugated and presented in all forms....
THE LEVIATHAN. The adapted text of the popular novel (2300 words in concordance with lexical minimum of the 1st certification level. The text supplies with the stress, questions and tasks, including testes,...
Цель пособия - сформировать у иностранных студентов-медиков навыки профессиональной речи, подготовить их к устному общению с больным, к записи субъективных и объективных данных о больном в медицинскую...
Very simple! Russian to beginners. Include CD.
Very simple and easy presentation of grammar material using parallel English patterns.
Very simple introduction of new words and expressions using context.
With power to become a pro - up to level B1
Your goal: To be able to speak, understand and write Russian with confidence!
Our method: With the learning book and the audio CD, you will deepen your knowledge...
A series about famous Russians and Russian geography with movies
The textbook introduces students to the history, architecture and cultural life of Irkutsk - the city played an important role in the development...
Russian for foreigners. The set consists of book and DVD.
Attention! The supplementary DVD is free of region categorization. It can be watched with any standard European player (PAL system)...
Tämä tuote on CD-levy.
Oppikirja tilataan erikseen.
Selkeästi Suomessa -oppikirjaa täydentävä äänimateriaali kehittää suomen kielen opiskelijan kuullun ymmärtämistä ja puheen tuottamista harjoitteiden...
Moscow is a capital of Russia.
Russian for foreigners. The set consists of book and DVD.
Attention! The supplementary DVD is free of region categorization. It can be watched with any standard European...
St. Petersburg.
Russian for foreigners. The set consists of book and DVD.
Attention! The supplementary DVD is free of region categorization. It can be watched with any standard European player (PAL...
Russian for the foreign students of economics. Part I.
The manual is designed for foreign students who study economics at high schools in Russia and speak Russian on the first certificate level. The object...
Practical course of Russian for Service + CD
The present book is an elementary course of the Russian language for the staff of the hotels and restaurants. The goal of the book is to teach the service...
Russia: country and people. Linguistic culture studies.
The manual is designed for foreign students of High schools of the advanced levels with profound knowledge of Russian who want to study Russia and...
Russian Step By Step, Intermediate Level 3 is one more step in mastering your Russian. In this book you will learn about Declension of Russian Adjectives and Pronouns in Plural, Cardinal numbers and their...
Для кого написана эта книга? Для каждого любознательного человека, который не пребывает в счастливой уверенности, что он уже все знает. Эта книга предназначена, прежде всего, жителям России. Она может...
Ahaa! 2 -oppikirjaa täydentävä äänimateriaali kehittää suomen kielen opiskelijan kuullun ymmärtämistä ja puheen tuottamista runsaiden harjoitteiden avulla. Äänite on hyödyllinen tukimateriaali sekä oppitunnille...
Inne Kurs 8 -oppikirjaa (LOPS 2016) täydentävä äänite sisältää kirjan tekstikappaleiden lisäksi mm. runsaasti erityyppisiä kuullunymmärtämisharjoituksia ja opettajan oppaan Uttal-osiot sekä suomen- että...
Ekstrim-sarja on tarkoitettu lukion A-venäjän lukijoille. Se sisältää tekstikirjan, erillisen harjoituskirjan, opettajan äänitteen sekä opettajanoppaan Internetissä.
RUSSIAN IN AN EASY WAY. Russian language course for beginners
The textbook. "Russian in an easy way" is a beginner's course for business people who haven't got much time to study. Designed for 30 academic...
Предлагаем вашему вниманию книгу из серии "Библиотека Златоуста". Серия включает адаптированные тексты для 5 уровней владения русским языком: произведения классиков русской литературы, современных писателей,...
Level: B1
MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH NUMERALS. The manual gives various cases of the use and spelling of numerals, samples of registration of receipts, powers of attorney and other official papers,...
Cet ouvrage propose un cours de russe intensif pour les debutants (niveau A1-A2). Grace a son format unique, il peut etre utilise comme une methode d'apprentissage autonome ou comme un manuel de support...
IN THIS LITTLE BASKET. Issue 2. This book includes 60 supplementary tasks for the lessons of Russian; recommended for the training vocabulary in games of the topics “A Human”, “A City”, “A Nature”,...
Предлагаем вниманию англоязычного читателя один из самых известных романов великого русского писателя Ф.М.Достоевского (1821-1881) "Преступление и наказание" в переводе Констанс Гарнет.
The book is designed for foreign students of the first year of medical colleges. Develops lexical and grammatical skills at oral and written material (reading) of professional speech, accelerates adaptation...
Великий русский писатель Ф. М. Достоевский (1821-1881) известен во всем мире прежде всего благодаря "великому пятикнижию" - романам "Преступление и наказание", "Идиот", "Братья Карамазовы", "Бесы", "Подросток"....
Business writing
This book is perfect for the students with the basic language level. It can also be useful for foreign specialists of various spheres who work and live in Russia. The book teaches how...
Russian holidays: History and modern times.
This manual is designed for all those who are interested in traditions and customs of Russia and Russian holidays. The reader contains a set of texts about...
Ponjatno! 2 kattaa lukion kurssit 4-6. Näillä kursseilla harjoitetaan edelleen puhevalmiuksia sekä muita kielen osa-alueita. Oppikirjassa jatketaan tutustumista Venäjän eri kaupunkeihin ja kulttuuriin....
Учебное пособие для иностранных учащихся медицинских, фармацевтических и биологических специальностей
Пособие предназначено для занятий с иностранными студентами и аспирантами медико-биологического профиля...
Työelämän suomea 2 -oppikirjaa täydentävä äänimateriaali kehittää suomen kielen opiskelijan kuullun ymmärtämistä ja puheen tuottamista runsaiden harjoitteiden avulla. Äänite on hyödyllinen tukimateriaali...