Igor Druch was (*1966) in St. Petersburg. Graduated from St. Petersburg Conservatoire. Attended the international mastercourses and seminars in Darmstadt (Paul-Heinz Dittrich), Berlin (Mark Kopytman), Stuttgart (Helmut Lachenmann). In 1994-1996 was in the circle of Edisson Denissov, together with the latter wrote sound-track to the famous movie "The Tsar's Hunt". In 1995 was awarded the Grand-Prix at the UNESCO Competition in Paris. Chamber music of Igor Drukh was performed by the famous "Arditi" and "Mozarteum" String Quartets, ensembles "Musica Da Camera" (Russia) and "Aleo" (USA). Member of the Russian Composers' Association (since 1995) and "Brandenburg Collegium of Contemporary Music" (Germany, since 1993). Music of Igor Drukh was performed at the various contemporary music festivals in Russia and abroad. Creative art of Igor Drukh combines the most refined achievements of contemporary European music with Jazz and Russian church and traditional influences.
Игорь Друх (род. в 1966) - петербургский композитор, пианист, автор произведений в различных жанрах.
"Тема и 10 вариаций" для фортепиано предназначены для профессиональных музыкантов, а также для учащихся музыкальных училищ и консерваторий.
Igor Drukh (rod. v 1966) - peterburgskij kompozitor, pianist, avtor proizvedenij v razlichnykh zhanrakh.
"Tema i 10 variatsij" dlja fortepiano prednaznacheny dlja professionalnykh muzykantov, a takzhe dlja uchaschikhsja muzykalnykh uchilisch i konservatorij.