1. Partituras y libros de musica
  2. Partituras: Teclado
  3. Partituras: Piano
  4. Partituras: Piano a 4, 6 & 8 manos y para dos pianos
  5. My Verdi. Operas: Popular fragments. Arrangements for piano in 4 hands by Zh. Metallidi

My Verdi. Operas: Popular fragments. Arrangements for piano in 4 hands by Zh. Metallidi

Мой Верди. Фрагменты из опер Джузеппе Верди в переложении для фортепиано в 4 руки Ж. Металлиди
My Verdi.  Operas: Popular fragments. Arrangements for piano in 4 hands by Zh. Metallidi
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Año de publicación
9.00 € 8.18 € sin IVA
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"From all the life enjoyments the music gives in only to the love..." - "Again, but the music, what a nuisance!" However, there lies the precipice between these two exclamations. Those who listen and enjoy music get raptures and sighs, and those who study music every day, mastering scales and etudes... also get sighs, but of the other kind. What is to be done? How are we to jump over this very precipice?
Our series of collections tries to answer this question. Each collection consists of the arranged popular pieces and is wholly dedicated to this or that personality in art. We just would like to offer some delightful "hours of idleness" to you together with the easy arrangements of the composer's utmostly popular music.
Anyone, who is already taught to play piano a bit, may find a partner mutual music making with the real pleasure. Meanwhile such a performer turns to a listener of the composition he (or she) plays, for it's coming so fluently and the music is so familiar indeed.


Fragments from the Rigoletto
Ballade of Duke
Aria of Gilda
Arioso of Gilda
Canzonet of Duke
Quartet (fragment)

Fragmentas from the Traviata
Aria of Violetta (I act)
Arioso of Germont
Aria of Violetta (III act)
Duet of Alfred and Violetta
Fragmentas from the Aida
Romance of Radames
Arioso of Aida
March (finale of II act)
Duet of Aida and Radames
"From all the life enjoyments the music gives in only to the love..." - "Again, but the music, what a nuisance!" However, there lies the precipice between these two exclamations. Those who listen and enjoy music get raptures and sighs, and those who study music every day, mastering scales and etudes... also get sighs, but of the other kind. What is to be done? How are we to jump over this very precipice?
Our series of collections tries to answer this question. Each collection consists of the arranged popular pieces and is wholly dedicated to this or that personality in art. We just would like to offer some delightful "hours of idleness" to you together with the easy arrangements of the composer's utmostly popular music.
Anyone, who is already taught to play piano a bit, may find a partner mutual music making with the real pleasure. Meanwhile such a performer turns to a listener of the composition he (or she) plays, for it's coming so fluently and the music is so familiar indeed.


Fragments from the Rigoletto
Ballade of Duke
Aria of Gilda
Arioso of Gilda
Canzonet of Duke
Quartet (fragment)

Fragmentas from the Traviata
Aria of Violetta (I act)
Arioso of Germont
Aria of Violetta (III act)
Duet of Alfred and Violetta
Fragmentas from the Aida
Romance of Radames
Arioso of Aida
March (finale of II act)
Duet of Aida and Radames
Издательство "Композитор" представляет новую, но уже ставшую популярной серию сборников для фортепиано в 4 руки "Мой любимый композитор". В нее вошли популярнейшие мелодии из опер, балетов, оперетт, симфонических и камерных произведений в переложении композитора и опытнейшего педагога Ж. Металлиди. Cборники серии одинаково интересны как учащимся, так и взрослым любителям музыки.


Фрагменты из оперы "Риголетто"
Баллада Герцога
Ария Джильды
Ариозо Джильды
Песенка Герцога

Фрагменты из оперы "Травиата"
Застольная песня
Ария Виолетты из 1 акта
Ариозо Жермона
Ария Виолетты из III акта
Дуэт Альфреда и Виолетты

Фрагменты из оперы "Аида"
Романс Радамеса
Ариозо Аиды
Марш (финал II акта)
Дуэт Аиды и Радамеса
Izdatelstvo "Kompozitor" predstavljaet novuju, no uzhe stavshuju populjarnoj seriju sbornikov dlja fortepiano v 4 ruki "Moj ljubimyj kompozitor". V nee voshli populjarnejshie melodii iz oper, baletov, operett, simfonicheskikh i kamernykh proizvedenij v perelozhenii kompozitora i opytnejshego pedagoga Zh. Metallidi. Cborniki serii odinakovo interesny kak uchaschimsja, tak i vzroslym ljubiteljam muzyki.


Fragmenty iz opery "Rigoletto"
Ballada Gertsoga
Arija Dzhildy
Ariozo Dzhildy
Pesenka Gertsoga

Fragmenty iz opery "Traviata"
Zastolnaja pesnja
Arija Violetty iz 1 akta
Ariozo Zhermona
Arija Violetty iz III akta
Duet Alfreda i Violetty

Fragmenty iz opery "Aida"
Romans Radamesa
Ariozo Aidy
Marsh (final II akta)
Duet Aidy i Radamesa
Clasificación de la biblioteca BIC:
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