This very collection of pieces is intended for the students of senior forms at the children music schools, art of colleges, lyceums and gymnaseums mastering the roll and complicated rhythms (the dotted...
Д. Кабалевский
Маленькое скерцо
"Веселое путешествие"
Д. Шостакович
Полька. Из Первой балетной сюиты
Танец-скакалка. Из балета "Светлый...
This collection includes popular variety rhythms retro, having been performed by me on different occasions. Any young percussionist has a chance to train the four ways coordination (hands and feet). The...
This collection includes popular variety rhythms retro, having been performed by me on different occasions. Any young percussionist has a chance to train the four ways coordination (hands and feet). The...